Tsunami Basics Presentation
Initial Publication Date: May 24, 2018


Tsunami Basics Presentation (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 15MB Oct2 22)
Associated Animations: Tsunami Basics (Zip Archive 63.8MB May24 18)
A similar lecture featuring the USA's Pacific Northwest region is available from the Cascadia EarthScope Earthquake and Tsunami Education Program (CEETEP)
This resource is intended for introductory-level geoscience learners from secondary up to adult in a classroom or public lecture. Learners should have some prior knowledge of plate tectonics and earthquakes (ex. Earthquake Basics). Although specific examples are from Alaska, much of the content is widely applicable.
Teaching Notes
- The slides contain a variety of notes to help users know the intention of the author.
- All the animations associated with the presentation are available above in a zipped file. The smaller animations are embedded within the PowerPoint but are provided again here in case there are any issues. The larger animations should be played outside of the PowerPoint as they is a bit too large to reliably embed. The logical place to do so is indicated in the pptx notes.
Reference Information
Author/Developer: Robert Butler (ANGLE Project)- The resource was developed as part of the EarthScope ANGLE Educator Workshops.
- Contact ANGLE with questions or comments.