Initial Publication Date: December 21, 2018

2019 EarthScope ANGLE Educator Workshop

Earthquake-Tsunami-Volcano Science & Preparedness

April 5 - 8, 2019
Anchorage School District Education Center
5530 E Northern Lights Blvd
Anchorage AK 99504

This 4-day professional development workshop brought together K-12 educators, parks & museum interpreters, and emergency management and health & safety educators. Participants learned the basic science of earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, EarthScope, preparedness, and other research efforts to monitor the Earth in Alaska. They explored the topics in a hands-on learning environment and a field trip. Participants receive an educator kit containing high quality physical and digital resources to support the transfer of teaching activities to classrooms, interpretive sites, and other learning venues. On the last workshop day, participants develop action plans for conducting collaborative science and engaging our communities on the mitigation of coastal geologic hazards.

Participants will present their progress on the action-plans at the follow-up Share-a-thon on February 8, 2020.

Primarily for educators from Mat-Su/Anchorage, Kenai Peninsula, Kodiak, and Southeast. Other areas of Alaska will be featured in other years of the EarthScope ANGLE project.

ANGLE 2019 Educator Workshop Flyer (Acrobat (PDF) 886kB Feb1 19)

Overview » Program »

Participants receive (paid for by the grant):

  • Two credits hours (UAA course, optional)
  • Travel, housing and food expenses (for participants outside Anchorage area)
  • Earth science and preparedness field-trip experience
  • $100/day stipend for days outside regular work (must attend all of 4-day workshop and 1-day follow-up Share-a-thon; stipend payment half each in May and February)
  • For those who cannot accept stipends, equivalent funds are available for posters, exhibits, signage, or other educational or interpretive materials.
  • Educator "kit' with materials for classroom and interpretive activities on earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, EarthScope science, and hazard mitigation.
  • Opportunity to join the Quake Catcher Network (QCN) and have a seismometer installed at your educational or public institution. QCN has thousands of team members collecting earthquake data around the world.
  • Advice from ANGLE instructors regarding classroom activities as well as interpretive programming, exhibits, and signage development.
Download a PDF of the workshop information: ANGLE 2019 Educator Workshop Flyer (Acrobat (PDF) 886kB Feb1 19)

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