Initial Publication Date: December 18, 2019

2020 EarthScope ANGLE Share-a-thon - February 8, 2020

Anchorage School District Education Center
Red Room and Atrium
5530 E Northern Lights Blvd, Anchorage AK 99504

February 8, 2020
9 am - 2 pm (lunch included)

Share-a-thon materials are on a private page for participants. Contact ANGLE if you need a reminder of the link.

The Share-a-thon is for the K-12 teachers, park and museum interpreters, and emergency management educators to showcase their accomplishments and/or plans for budding projects that stemmed from participation in the 2019 ANGLE workshop in Anchorage. This gathering is an opportunity to re-connect with the cohort, share ideas and reenergize for ongoing efforts to make our communities more resilient to geohazards. Participation in the Share-a-thon satisfies a requirement of the UAA 2-credit course ED 580.202 EarthScope Alaska Native Geoscience Learning Experience Educator Workshop.

The format for the day is designed to maximize time for people to connect and discuss projects. Sessions begin with a very short announcement-style "here's what we/I did" followed by time to mingle among the displays and have discussions individually and as a group. Half the teams will be "on deck" during the morning and half in the afternoon. Teams are welcome to share their accomplishments via posters, movies, animations, and examples of student work, skits, or any other format that will convey the excitement and utility of the things you have developed, or plan to develop.

Lodging on Friday, Feb 7, will be provided to participants who travel more than 2-hour's drive. Please contact Jennifer Witter ( ASAP to make arrangements.

Activity Proposal Form

Please submit this form as team, team-subset, or individuals as it makes sense based on what you have been involved in since the May workshop. We will use your responses to prepare the meeting space and agenda for the day. Deadline January 24, 2020.

Share-a-thon Activity Proposal Form

Preliminary agenda

  • 8:00 Coffee and snacks available (will be left out all day)
  • 8:30 Setup time
  • 9:00 Introductory Remarks
  • 9:10 Quick Overview of Team Accomplishments (1st half of teams)
  • 9:40 Mingle, Browse, & Discuss 1st half of displays
  • 10:40 Whole-group Discussion
  • 11:00 Lunch (provided)
  • 11:40 Quick Overview of Team Accomplishments (2nd half of teams)
  • 12:10 Mingle, Browse, & Discuss 2nd half of displays
  • 1:10 Whole-group Discussion
  • 1:30 Survey
  • 2:00... Post-meeting Socializing (for those who can stick around)

Note that there will be tables around the outside of the room for displaying things and wall space for hanging things. If you want to show a video or slideshow at your display station, please plan to have it on your own laptop or monitor OR you can request for equipment from us and we will do our best to accommodate. Also, for those products that can be disseminated in electronic format, we will be collecting files from you at the Share-a-thon for later posting on the ANGLE website.