Workshop Program

Please plan to arrive in Northfield in time for the 5:00pm start time on Sunday, October 20, 2019, and depart for the airport after 2:00pm on Tuesday, October 22.

Sunday, October 20

Morning and Afternoon: Participants arrive and check into their hotel (Country Inn & Suites ( This site may be offline. ) or Fairfield Inn & Suites ( This site may be offline. ) )

All workshop activities take place in the Great Hall of Severance Hall, unless otherwise noted below. Follow these directions to Severance Hall .

1:00 - 4:00 Course Development 1-on-1 Mentoring Sessions (for registered participants) - Sayles-Hill Room 251- Dan Burleson, University of Houston

2:00 - 4:00 MATLAB Boot Camp (open to all workshop participants) - Severance Hall Great Hall - Loren Shure, MathWorks

View resources from Loren's presentation in the private participant workspace. All workshop participants have access to the private workspace. To access it, create an account with the email address you used to register for the workshop and then follow the link above.

5:00 – 6:00 Welcoming Remarks and Icebreaker - Mitchell Awalt, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College

6:00 – 7:00 Dinner

7:00 – 7:30 Introduction: Maximizing Your Workshop Learning (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 7.4MB Oct20 19) - Lisa Kempler, MathWorks

7:30 – 8:30 Keynote: Instructional Innovation: Flipped Computation Course for Engineers Using MATLAB (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 24.7MB Oct20 19) - Stormy Attaway, Boston University

Introduced by Lisa Kempler, MathWorks

8:30 Networking

Monday, October 21

Breakfast at your hotel (Country Inn & Suites ( This site may be offline. ) or Fairfield Inn & Suites ( This site may be offline. ) ) or in town.

All workshop activities take place in the Great Hall of Severance Hall, unless otherwise noted below. Follow these directions to Severance Hall .

8:30 – 8:45 Introduction and Goals for the Day (Acrobat (PDF) 283kB Oct21 19) - Don Baker, McGill University

8:45 – 10:00 Invited Talks: The Computational Course Spectrum - Don Baker, McGill University

There is a a broad spectrum of ways in which computation and computational tools are incorporated into courses. These can range from courses dedicated to the use of computation and computational techniques to courses that use a particular computational tool in a single application, and everything in between. In this session, invited participants will present how they incorporate MATLAB and computation into their courses and their computational learning goals, followed by table discussions on computational learning goals in courses.

10:00 – 10:15 Break

10:15 – 11:45 Working Groups: Achieving Learning Outcomes in Your Course - Lisa Kempler, MathWorks

In this session, working groups organized by teaching and research affinities will discuss shared student learning goals and how those are achieved. Working group leaders will facilitate discussions on what courses are being taught, the learning goals of those courses, challenges faced, and techniques and strategies for achieving success.

Participants are encouraged to use their workspace page to keep notes on ideas, updated learning goals, and techniques to achieve them.

  • Introduction (10 minutes)
  • Affinity working group discussions (60 minutes)
    • Biology and Health Sciences - Matthew Leineweber and Adam Steiner
      • Elfleta Nixon, Namyong Lee, Steven J King, Henok Mawi, Kristi Closser, Michele McColgan
      • Severance Hall Great Hall
    • Data Analysis and Statistics - Michelle Isenhour
      • Charles Lee, Edith Aguirre, Cynthia Flores, Babasola Ogunsanya, Michael Ray, Duncan Carlsmith
      • Sayles-Hill 250
    • Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science - Andy Fischer
      • Gordana Garapic, Alexandre Martinez, Matin Rahnamay Naeini, Kendra J. Lynn, Dan Morgan, Anna Pfeiffer-Herbert
      • Sayles-Hill 252
    • Engineering 1 - Dan Burleson
      • Yong S. Suh, Farshid Zabihian, Samuel Babajide Olatunbosun, Mandoye Ndoye, Ben Oni, Dennis Dahlquist, Angela Foudray, Nansong Wu
      • Sayles-Hill 251
    • Engineering 2 - Michael Thorburn and Silvio Simani
      • Zekeriya Aliyazicioglu, Muhammad Safeer Khan, Ahlam Tannouri, Yevgeny Gayev, Kelly Roos
      • Sayles-Hill Lounge
    • Mathematics 1 - Stormy Attaway and Navid Shaghaghi
      • Miguel Goni Rodrigo, Eric Choate, Sarah Carnochan Naqvi, Catherine Buell, Raizel Davis, Valerie Powers, Sami Al-AbdRabbuh
      • Sayles-Hill 253
    • Mathematics 2 - Becca Edwards and Rick Downs
      • Sayonita Ghosh Hajra, Joan Weiss, Oscar D. Macedo, Muhammad S Akhtar, Amir Golnabi
      • Sayles-Hill 254
  • Individual Work (5 minutes)
    • Spend a few minutes using your personal workspace page to draft or revise a learning goal for a course or teaching activity.
  • Group report out (15 minutes)
    • Working groups return to Great Hall at 11:30 to report their discussions to the group.

11:45 – 1:00 Lunch - Carleton College Language and Dining Center

1:00 – 2:00 Talk: Teaching and Learning with MATLAB & Simulink in the Modern Classroom (Acrobat (PDF) 23.6MB Oct21 19) - Sumit Tandon, MathWorks

2:00 – 3:00 Invited Talks: Assessing Achievement of Learning Outcomes - Kelly Roos, Bradley University

In this session, participants will share examples of how they assess computational learning with colleagues with similar teaching and research interests. Groups will discuss specific techniques and strategies and also identify assessment challenges.

Participants are encouraged to use their workspace page to keep notes and work on assessment in their course or activity.

3:00 – 3:30 Break

3:30 – 4:15 Table Discussion: Assessment of Learning Outcomes - Kelly Roos, Bradley University

Groups will discuss specific techniques and strategies and also identify assessment challenges.

Participants are encouraged to use their workspace page to keep notes and work on assessment in their course or activity.

4:15 – 5:30 Individual Work Time: Course/Teaching Activity Development - Dan Burleson, University of Houston

This working session is designed to give participants time to take things they have learned through the course of the day and think about how they can incorporate them into their own courses or teaching activities. Participants are encouraged to use their workspaces, which have been organized to facilitate this work. Conveners and teaching activity reviewers will be available to answer questions and offer assistance.

  • Working time
    • Use your personal workspace page to guide your notes.
    • The following rooms are available: Severance Hall Great Hall, Sayles-Hill 250 (fits 8), Sayles-Hill 251 (fits 25), Sayles-Hill 252 (fits 18), Sayles-Hill 253 (fits 20), and Sayles Hill 254 (fits 8), Sayles-Hill Lounge (fits 20)

5:30 – 6:00 Group Reflection and Roadcheck - Mitchell Awalt, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College

In this session workshop participants will reflect on the day. Please take a few minutes to complete the workshop roadcheck.

6:30 Dinner - self-organized groups at a selection of restaurants in town (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 18kB Sep25 19)

Tuesday, October 22

Breakfast at your hotel (Country Inn & Suites ( This site may be offline. ) or Fairfield Inn & Suites ( This site may be offline. ) ) or in town.

All workshop activities take place in the Great Hall of Severance Hall, unless otherwise noted below. Follow these directions to Severance Hall .

8:30 – 8:45 Roadcheck Summary and Overview of the Day - Lisa Kempler, MathWorks and Mitchell Awalt, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College

Looking for resources, activities, ideas, etc?

8:45 – 9:30 Invited Talks: Revamping Courses for Success - Dan Burleson, University of Houston

In this session, participants will hear from four invited speakers who will talk about how they designed or redesigned a successful computational course. Presentations and questions will offer an opportunity to share examples of what worked, what didn't, and how changes solved challenges.

9:30 - 10:15 Individual Preparation: Course/Teaching Activity

Participants take some time to apply tactics and strategies from the previous session to their own course or activity and prepare to discuss with other participants. Use your personal workspace page.

Conveners, presenters, MathWorks representatives and others will lead group sessions on topics of popular interest:
  • MATLAB Grader
    • Severance Hall Great Hall
  • Activity Reviewer Feedback
    • Sayles-Hill Lounge
  • MathWorks Resources (Toolboxes, Hardware, Competitions, Live Script)
    • Sayles-Hill 253
  • Course Design
    • Sayles-Hill 252
  • Individual work
    • Severance Hall Great Hall, Sayles-Hill 254

10:15 – 10:30 Break

Participants who received workshop stipends should take a few minutes to complete a W-9 or W-8BEN.

10:30 – 11:45 Working Groups: Course/Teaching Activity Sharing and Feedback - Lisa Kempler, MathWorks

Affinity-based working groups will meet to discuss what progress they have made on their courses or teaching activities and provide feedback and ideas for their peers.

11:45 – 1:00 Lunch - Carleton College, Language and Dining Center

1:00 – 2:00 Workshop Synthesis and Next Steps - Mitchell Awalt, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College

In this final session, participants will share what they have gained, how their courses or activities have evolved, and how they can bring what they have learned to their departments, programs, and institutions. Please take a few minutes to complete the end of workshop evaluation.

2:00 – 4:00 Shuttles to airport