Teaching Activities
Resource Type: Activities
Results 1 - 10 of 30 matches
Simulating Passive Properties of Neurons Using Matlab
Michael Wright, California State University-Sacramento
This lab activity simulates a fundamental concept in cellular neuroscience; namely that all neurons can be modeled as circuits (i.e., the equivalent circuit) composed of resistors and capacitors in parallel. The ...
Subject: Biology
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Climate change and extreme values analysis
Alexandre Martinez, University of California-Irvine
In this activity, we learn where to get climate data (monthly temperature maxima and monthly precipitation maxima) from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). We learn how to fit a GEV ...
Subject: Engineering, Geoscience
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Introduction to strings and DNA/protein sequence alignments
Benjamin Bratton, Vanderbilt University
This is problem set that helps solidify concepts of computational processing (accessing data, parsing data, visualizing data, using preconstructed tools) and sequence matching, specifically in the context of ...
Subject: Biology
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Investigating Real and Ideal gases
Kristi Closser, California State University-Fresno
This activity looks at the difference between real and ideal gas laws, emphasizing the connection of the physical properties to equations and graphs. Students first analyze the real gas equation, which should be ...
Subject: Chemistry
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Modeling Rocket Flight Trajectory
Sani Abba, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University
<a>An aeronautical of a Rocket Missile Launch</a>
Subject: Engineering
Visualizing symmetry elements for crystal classes using MATLAB
Jeremy Deans, University of Southern Mississippi
This assignment provides students practice in a mineralogy class to learn symmetry motifs, symmetry operations, and crystal classes by using the MTEX toolbox in MATLAB. The students will load the MTEX toolbox and ...
Subject: Geoscience
Simulation Klein-Nishina cross section using the Monte Carlo method
Eric Ehler, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Project is designed for students learning radiologic physics and radiation dosimetry in a Medical Physics graduate program. The project is designed to reinforce course concepts on the Compton Effect and associated ...
Subject: Health Sciences, Physics
Assignment on Runge-Kutta Methods
Dong Zhou, California State University-Los Angeles
This is a sample homework problem in a senior elective course on topics in applied mathematics. This particular problem requires the students to program forward Euler, backward Euler and an explicit 2-stage 2nd ...
Subject: Mathematics
Calculating and using Unit Hydrograph using Matlab
Negin Hayatbini, University of California-Irvine; Alexandre Martinez, University of California-Irvine
We are using the concept of Unit Hydrograph to understand the behavior of a watershed following a rain event and to calculate the runoff following any rainfall event.
Subject: Engineering, Environmental Science, Geoscience
Fetal Body Composition
Amir Golnabi, Montclair State University
This is a comprehensive and practical project in Calculus for life science majors, which helps students gain a deeper understanding of fundamental concepts of Calculus and enables them to apply those concepts to ...
Subject: Mathematics, Biology
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