References for Peer Review

Initial Publication Date: December 21, 2006

Definitive Resources

University of California. The Calibrated Peer Review (more info) website. This website allows users to login and use the web-based Calibrated Peer Review program online. Users can access overview information, software requirements and features, and support.

The Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) Clearinghouse. What is Writing in the Disciplines? Resources for situating your writing assignments within the expectations of your discipline, in addition to general resources on integrating writing assignments into courses.

Journal Articles

General Peer Review

Falchikov, N.; Goldfinch, J. (2000). "Student peer assessment in higher education: A meta-analysis comparing peer and teacher marks. " Review of Educational Research, v. 70, pp. 287-322.

Henderson, L., and Buising, C. (2000). "A Peer-Reviewed Research Assignment for Large Classes." Journal of College Science Teaching, v. 30, n. 2, p. 109-113.

Sadler, P.; Good, E. (2006). "The impact of self- and peer-grading on student learning." Educational Assessment, v. 11, n. 1, pp. 1-31.

Calibrated (Electronic) Peer Review

Berry, F.C.; Carlson, P.A.; Millard, D.L., 2006. "Calibrated Peer Review for ABET Assessment." Proceedings of the National STEM Assessment Conference, Washington DC. pp. 190-193.

Furman, B.; Robinson, W., 2003. "Improving Engineering Report Writing with Calibrated Peer ReviewTM." Proceedings of the 33rd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Boulder CO.

Hartberg, Y., A.B. Guernsel, N.J. Simpson, and V. Balaster, 2008. Development of Student Writing in Biochemistry Using Calibrated Peer Review. Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, February 2008, pp. 29-44.

Keeney-Kennicutt, W.; Guernsel, A.B.; Simpson, N., 2008. "Overcoming Student Resistancs to a Teaching Innovation." Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, January 2008, pp. 1 - 26.

Londe, S., 2007. Calibrated Peer Review (CPR): A Powerful Writing Program that will Save you Time! Focus on Microbiology Education, MicrobeLibrary, American Society for Microbiology.

McCarty, T, Parkes, M.V., Anderson, T.T., Mines, J, Skipper, B.J., Grebosky, J., 2005. "Improved Patient Notes from Medical Students during Web-Based Teaching Using Faculty-Calibrated Peer Review and Self-Assessment." Academic Medicine, v. 80, n. 10 (October Supplement), pp. 567-570.

Pelaez, N., 2002. Problem-Based Writing with Peer Review Improves Academic Performance in Physiology, Advances in Physiology Education, v. 26, pp. 174-184.

Plutsky, S.; Wilson, B. A., 2004. "Comparison of Three Methods for Teaching and Evaluating Writing: A Quasi-experimental Study," Delta Pi Epsilon Journal, v. 46, pp. 50-61.

Prichard, J. R., 2005. "Writing to Learn: An Evaluation of the Calibrated Peer ReviewTM Program in Two Neuroscience Courses." The Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education, v. 4, n. 1, pp. A34-A39.

Robinson, R., 2001, Calibrated Peer ReviewTM: An application to increase student reading and writing skills. The American Biology Teacher, v. 63, n. 7, p. 474-480.

Russell, J.; Pearson. M., 2004. "Instructional technology jewels." Journal of College Science Teaching, v. 33, n. 7, pp. 24-28.

Simpson, N.; Ph.D.; Russell, A. A.; Gunersel, A. B.; Layne. J., 2006. "Calibrated Peer Review™ in Math and Science: Research and Practice." Proceedings of the National STEM Assessment Conference, Washington DC, pp. 266-273.

Towns, M.H., Marden, K., Sauder, D., Stout, R., Long, G., Waxman, M., Kahlow, M., and Zielinski, T. (2000). "Interinstitutional peer review on the internet." Journal of College Science Teaching, v. 30, n. 4, p. 256-260.

Trautmann, N.M., Carlsen, W.S., Eick, C.J., Gardner, F.E., Kenyon, L., Moscovici, H., Moore, J.C., Thompson, M., and West, S. (2003) "Online peer review, learning science as it's practiced." Journal of College Science Teaching, v. 32, n. 7, p. 443-447.

Websites and Online Articles

General Peer Review

The University of Hawaii at Manoa's Writing Center has a web site on Peer Review Groups and Criteria Grids. It is set up like a Frequently Asked Questions page with questions that include: What is Peer Review? How do I set up and facilitate peer review sessions? How do I get my students to use the peer feedback they receive? Access to other parts of their site is also available.

Colorado State University's Writing Center has put together the website, Overview: Using Student Peer Review ( This site may be offline. ) . It provides information on planning for peer review, helping students make effective comments, helping students handle divergent advice, sample worksheet and additional information. This is a very useful site for an instructor hoping to implement the use of peer review in any subject.

Melanie Dawson of the University of Richmond's Writing Center has prepared a Peer Editing Guide ( This site may be offline. ) . This guide offers help for students in knowing what to look for when reviewing a peer's paper. Specific questions regarding the thesis, content and clarity (among other other aspects) are given to help the reviewer grasp the important parts of a paper.

Calibrated (Electronic) Peer Review

Carlson, Patricia A. and Frederick C. Berry. Calibrated Peer Review and Assessing Learning Outcomes. Frontiers in Education Clearing House.

Chapman, Orville L., Arlene A. Russell, and Michael A. Fiore. Calibrated Peer Review. The Molecular Science Project: Past Presentations.

Gehringer, E.F., 2000. Strategies and Mechanisms for Electronic Peer Review presents a system of electronic peer review developed at North Carolina State University. The implementation of the Peer Grader system is detailed as well as student reaction to the system. The article explores the ways that electronic peer review facilitates collaborative learning.

Reynolds, Julie. An Overview of Calibrated Peer Review. Duke Center for Instructional Technology.

Russell, Arlene A. Calibrated Peer Review: A Writing and Critical-Thinking Instructional Tool. AAAS Publications.

Russell, Arlene A. Calibrated Peer Review. PKAL.

Starkey, Laurie S. Calibrated Peer Review (CPR): Using Technology to Get the Most Out of a Writing Assignment. The Molecular Science Project: Past Presentations.