Teaching with Learning Assistants
What are Learning Assistants?

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Why Teach with Learning Assistants?
The Learning Assistant program aims to improve the learning of all students, from K-16 levels. Students in courses that are supported by undergraduate Learning Assistants learn more than those in non-supported courses. Additionally, the Learning Assistants themselves improve their understanding of the science content, and many become interested in future careers as K-12 teachers. The Learning Assistant program also supports innovations in the college classroom and faculty's reflective improvements of their teaching practices.
find more information about advantages of teaching with Learning AssistantsHow to Teach with Learning Assistants?
It is important to consider both (1) What activities make the most appropriate use of Learning Assistants, and (2) how to create the most supportive atmosphere so that Learning Assistants can do the most effective job possible. We'll address these questions in this section, as well as common challenges in using Learning Assistants and some tips in running an effective Learning Assistant progam.
find more information about how to teach with Learning Assistants