SERC Authoring
These pages provide guidelines for writing effective web pages and designing materials hosted by SERC.
- Writing for the Web contains general tips to get started
- The SERC Style Guide includes formatting, links and use of imagery
- The Activity Design Guide provides useful tips and considerations for designing and reviewing activities
- The activity sheets web page explains the standardized format of activities displayed on the SERC sites
- Author's Checklist: How do I know when I'm done?
- Robust Data Guidance: Considerations for making data-rich activities more robust.
- Accessibility Guidelines for SERC Authors and Contributors: Accessible practices for creating activities and web materials and how to do it.
- Background information on why it's critical to make accessible teaching materials.
- Copyright Pointers provides guidelines for uploading images and files
- Workshop Session and Presentation Design: Tips and pointers on designing effecting workshops sessions and presentations.
- Webinar or Online Presentations: Tips specific to authoring presentations for online distribution and making the online environment effective.
For instructions on the technical aspects of building and formatting web pages, refer to the Content Management System documentation.