Initial Publication Date: May 10, 2006

EPA's Brownfields Mapper

Brownfields Logo Brownfields combines interactive maps and aerial photography to locate, display and query Brownfields grant types by the areas/juridistions of city, county, state, and tribe.
Image courtesy of Environmental Protection Agency

Get Started!

  • Select a grant type and location you would like to display and click the Submit button.
  • OR
  • Click on the map icon Map of USA to view all Brownfields grant locations.

Understanding Your Map

  • To view additional data on your map, check the boxes corresponding to the information you would like to display (i.e. air sampling sites, dust sampling sites, water sampling sites, and disposal routes) and click the Redraw Map button.
  • You can zoom in and out on the map by clicking the bullet corresponding to your desired action and clicking the mouse on the location in which you would like to see.
  • To identify a feature on the map, click the Identify bullet and select a feature from the pull-down menu. Click on the feature in the map window and information will appear below the map window. You can also identify existing grants/properties by clicking the second Identify bullet and clicking on the grant/property on the map.

Finish Your Map

  • Click the Redraw Map and you will see your desired map!

Looking for teaching materials?
Check our quick guide to Finding Earth Education Resources at SERC for some strategies that will help you make the most of the collections.

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