Andrew Haveles
Science Education Resource Center (SERC)
University of Wisconsin-River Falls
I have been a part of the SERC web team since the summer of 2018. As a Geoscience Assistant, I am involved in developing and maintaining web content, supporting webinars and workshops, and participating in education research and evaluation projects.
<p class="MsoNormal">Andrew Haveles is a zoologist and paleoecologist with a Ph.D. in earth sciences from the University of Minnesota, and an M.S. degree in earth sciences and B.S. degree in biology, both from Syracuse University. Recent experiences include Visiting Assistant Professor appointments at Macalester College, the University of Minnesota, and Gustavus Adolphus College. He taught a variety of courses spanning the disciplines of biology (biodiversity, interpreting landscapes) and earth sciences (paleobiology, sedimentology and stratigraphy). Most recently, he worked at the SERC at Carleton College where his work focused on strengthening higher education through collaborative partnerships such as mentoring faculty developing teaching activities that have students use publicly available datasets to answer environmental questions.Andrew’s research focuses on illuminating the processes and interactions that shape and record patterns of biodiversity. Past work with undergraduates has investigated paleoecology, modern ecology, and paleoenvironmental questions using biogeochemical data, geospatial data, and the fossil record. Recent work used stable isotopes to investigate food resource partition by small mammals in response to environmental change today and over the last 4 million years in the Great Plains.
Website Content Contributions
Essay (1)
SAGE Musings: Catalyzing and Sustaining Institutional Change part of SAGE 2YC:SAGE Musings
Our world is changing rapidly. To prepare the next generation of students for their roles in the workforce and society, our institutions of higher education need to change as well. However, institutional change is ...
Conference Presentations (2)
Strategies for engaging with Teach the Earth online resources part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2020:Program:Poster Sessions:Posters
Have you been overwhelmed by the sheer number of resources on Teach the Earth? Have you wished for more guidance on how to navigate the Teach the Earth Portal? Would you like to contribute to the community of ...
Project EDDIE: Supporting Teaching Quantitative Reasoning Using Large Data Sets part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2019:Program:Poster Sessions:Friday
The increasing availability and wealth of large, environmental datasets creates new opportunities to teach scientific concepts and quantitative reasoning with these data. Project EDDIE (Environmental Data-Driven ...
July 2020 Earth Educators Rendezvous 2019
July 2019 Earth Educators Rendezvous 2018
July 2018 Eyes on the Hydrosphere: Tracking Water Resources Interest Group
Teach the Earth
Measuring the Earth with GPS Interest Group
Monitoring Volcanoes and Communicating Risks Interest Group
Teaching Geoscience Online
Understanding Our Changing Climate Interest Group
NAGT Webinar Series Interest
Teaching Computation Interest Group
Workshop Leader
January 2022Project EDDIE Module Development Workshop 2019
October 2019
Workshop Participant (20 workshops)
July 2020 Teaching Computation in the Sciences Using MATLAB Workshop 2019
October 2019 Teaching Computation in the Sciences Using MATLAB Workshop 2018
October 2018
Webinar Leader (4 webinars)
February 2020NAGT Webinar Advocacy Nov 11 2019
November 2019Using GPS Data to teach about the Earth
October 2019