Instructor Stories
Grade Level
Teaching Context
InTeGrate Modules and Courses
- A Growing Concern 8 matches
- An Ecosystem Services Approach to Water Resources 3 matches
- Carbon, Climate, and Energy Resources 6 matches
- Changing Biosphere 5 matches
- Cli-Fi: Climate Science in Literary Texts 5 matches
- Climate of Change 9 matches
- Coastal Processes, Hazards and Society 3 matches
- Critical Zone Science 5 matches
- Earth's Thermostat 3 matches
- Environmental Justice and Freshwater Resources 6 matches
- Environmental Justice and Freshwater Resources - Spanish 1 match
- Exploring Geoscience Methods 3 matches
- Food as the Foundation for Healthy Communities 4 matches
- Future of Food 3 matches
- Humans' Dependence on Earth's Mineral Resources 7 matches
- Interactions between Water, Earth’s Surface, and Human Activity 6 matches
- Lead in the Environment 3 matches
- Living on the Edge 7 matches
- Major Storms and Community Resilience 3 matches
- Map your Hazards! 6 matches
- Mapping the Environment with Sensory Perception 4 matches
- Modeling Earth Systems 3 matches
- Natural Hazards and Risks: Hurricanes 4 matches
- Ocean Sustainability 5 matches
- Regulating Carbon Emissions 2 matches
- Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability 3 matches
- Soils, Systems, and Society 5 matches
- Systems Thinking 4 matches
- The Wicked Problem of Global Food Security 4 matches
- Water Science and Society 4 matches
- Water Sustainability in Cities 4 matches
- Water, Agriculture, Sustainability 4 matches
Results 1 - 10 of 127 matches
Scott Linneman: Using Exploring Geoscience Methods with Secondary Education Students in Methods in Secondary Education for Science Teachers at Western Washington University
This one quarter, 5-credit course is for pre-service secondary science teachers. It includes the study of literature, curriculum, and teaching strategies in life, Earth, and physical sciences for grades 4-12. Students also participate in peer teaching and school observations. Prerequisites include admission to the secondary teaching program and a major or concentration in natural sciences; one course as an introduction to secondary education; and one course as an introduction to science education.
Grade Level: College Upper (15-16)
Teaching Context: Courses for Future Teachers, InTeGrate and NGSS
InTeGrate Modules and Courses: Exploring Geoscience Methods
Jeff Thomas: Using Exploring Geoscience Methods with Secondary Education Students in the History and Nature of Science at Central Connecticut State University
During the first five weeks of the course, students are introduced to the history and nature of science, the methods of science, and crosscutting science concepts (e.g. patterns, systems). This includes theoretical constructs (e.g. readings about inductive and deductive scientific reasoning) as well as applications for the secondary science classroom (e.g. doing inquiry-based activities). During the second five weeks, students implement an inquiry-based activity based on a major scientific discovery that incorporates the nature and methods of science. Students also create a formal presentation about this discovery (e.g. history of the discovery, methods utilized by scientists), as well as the impact of this discovery on society.
InTeGrate Modules and Courses: Exploring Geoscience Methods
Felecia Dix-Richardson: Using the Environmental Justice and Freshwater Resources module in Senior Seminar in Criminal Justice at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
Felecia Dix-Richardson, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
A Success Story in Teaching Environmental Justice to Criminal Justice Students My course is a capstone course for criminal justice majors. The main emphasis of this course is to provide a contemporary analysis of theoretical and applied issues in criminal justice. Within in this course, students critically assess the criminal justice system as it relates to political policy and influence, economics, gender, race and socio-economic status. Although issues pertaining to environmental justice have been presented in this class in the past, this was the first time environmental justice was presented as a major grading segment in this course. The previous teaching format for this course had been lecture, class discussion and research paper/group presentations. By using the integrate modules (e.g., pair share and jigsaw learning) students were able take a hands on collective learning approach. This approach created an environment where students were thoroughly engaged. The exposure to the many issues that create environmental racism allowed my students to critically assess not only their immediate environments, but environments throughout the United States and around the world. This course is one of the last courses that criminal justice majors complete. One of the components of this course is to provide an overview of career opportunities in the criminal justice field. After the completion of the environmental justice segment, many students expressed an interest in pursuing careers with the United States Environmental Protection Agency and other organizations that have a dedicated mission of protecting the environment.
Karl Kreutz: Using Systems Thinking in Global Environmental Change at University of Maine
Karl Kreutz, University of Maine
My course focuses on the reservoir of atmospheric carbon dioxide – what controls it, how it has changed in the geologic past, how it is changing now and the role that humans have played in its evolution, the effects on Earth's energy balance, and potential future climate and environmental implications. Because these processes play out on a range of time and space scales, direct experimentation is difficult in an undergraduate setting. Systems thinking provides an ideal platform for understanding the flow of carbon between reservoirs, and for gaining an appreciation of how important the intersection of earth science and society is with respect to carbon, climate, and energy. Implementing this module made a dramatic difference in the class, improving student learning on everything from global models of the carbon cycle to the formation and flow of methane in our local peat bog.
Grade Level: College Upper (15-16), College Lower (13-14):College Introductory, College Lower (13-14)
Teaching Context: Intro Courses
InTeGrate Modules and Courses: Systems Thinking
Astrid Schnetzer: Using Ocean Sustainability in Marine Biology at North Carolina State University
Astrid Schnetzer, North Carolina State University
I piloted this module in a fairly large class with up to 100 students who have rather strong pre-notions of the subjects to be introduced in a "marine biology" class (e.g., sharks and whales). The additional coverage of chemical and physical ocean characteristics and build up to themes of global climate change and its impact on ecosystems and organisms as a whole "caught some by surprise". A number of students did not welcome the use of active teaching tools right away, but in the end, they all embraced the challenge and were excited about the opportunity to share their opinions. The link that was made between the health of marine ecosystems and our actions (i.e. carbon footprint) left the students with a sense of empowerment.
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14), College Introductory
Teaching Context: Large Lecture Classes, Intro Courses
InTeGrate Modules and Courses: Ocean Sustainability
Cara Thompson: Using Ocean Sustainability in Physical Oceanography at Santa Monica College
Cara Thompson, Arizona State University at the West Campus
I implemented the Ocean Sustainability Module in my introductory Physical Oceanography course at a two-year junior college (Santa Monica College). Many of our students struggle in science courses. It was great to see those students grasp concepts through the hands-on, student-lead learning provided in this module.
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14):College Introductory, College Lower (13-14)
Teaching Context: Intro Courses, Two Year Colleges
InTeGrate Modules and Courses: Ocean Sustainability
Michelle Kinzel: Using Ocean Sustainability in GEO 101 — Introduction to Physical Geography at Southwestern College
MICHELLE KINZEL, Southwestern College
This module was piloted with a dynamic and enthusiastic group of non-majors students in a science course. These students began the semester with trepidation and a fear of science, and after completing this unit, they were confident in speaking and writing about ocean sciences and issues of sustainability. I am confident these modules help develop strong environmental stewards who are empowered to make good citizen decisions regarding our oceans.
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14):College Introductory, College Lower (13-14)
Teaching Context: Two Year Colleges, Intro Courses
InTeGrate Modules and Courses: Ocean Sustainability
Rebecca Teed: Using Changing Biosphere in Concepts in Earth Science for Middle-Childhood Educators II at Wright State University-Main Campus
Rebecca Teed, Wright State University-Main Campus
Earth Systems for Pre-service Science Teachers My students are preparing to teach science themselves, and are expected to learn through inquiry. This course is intended to address a number of major themes in middle-grades science standards, and to emphasize approaches and topics that are especially challenging, like systems thinking and Earth history. This module offers an important hook for Earth history: the current mass extinction resulting from multiple modern ecological crises including climate change, invasive species, and habitat destruction. Systems thinking is vital to understanding the chains of cause and effect that drive both ancient and modern mass extinctions. My students were very interested in the similarities between ancient and modern disasters.
Teaching Context: Courses for Future Teachers
InTeGrate Modules and Courses: Changing Biosphere
Camille Holmgren: Using Changing Biosphere in World Natural Environments at SUNY Buffalo State
Camille Holmgren, SUNY Buffalo State University
This module was used over several weeks in an introductory physical geography course. Although required for Geography majors, it is primarily populated by non-majors seeking to fulfill their natural science requirement. The focus on a big issue facing society, extinctions and biodiversity loss, led to a high level of engagement among students who came to the course with a range of academic backgrounds, interests, and abilities. Students were also introduced to scientific uncertainty and the idea that there is not always a single answer or approach for addressing societal issues such as setting priorities for biodiversity conservation.
Teaching Context: Intro Courses
InTeGrate Modules and Courses: Changing Biosphere
Louisa Bradtmiller: Modeling Earth Systems at Macalester College
Louisa Bradtmiller, Macalester College
Building skills and confidence through modeling This course attempts to teach students to think like a modeler in a single semester, without any pre-requisites in math or computer science. By using a visually-based software package and introducing a few new ideas and skills each week, students acquire the tools they need to test hypotheses with their own independently-constructed models by the end of the course. The course was unique for me because there was almost no lecturing; just a few minutes at the start of each week's 3-hour block. The fact that the students spent almost all of in-class time each week working on translating the readings into working models meant that they got to try, fail, ask questions, talk with each other, and try again, all with the instructor present.
Grade Level: College Upper (15-16)
InTeGrate Modules and Courses: Modeling Earth Systems