Faculty Reflection: Kay Williams

Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Course(s): Conservation of Natural Resources

A Success Story in Programmatic Change

It was helpful to have the guidance for addressing certain environmental problems. A variety of media is incorporated which helps reach a larger audience. The topics are well organized and appropriate. You are able to adjust the materials to better suit the individual course.

Incorporating InTeGrate Materials

Mostly through the lab work. They did a water lab in which they kept track of their water usage for 2 days and discussed how they could reduce it. The soil lab allowed them to have some hands-on experience with various types of soil, helping them realize how much we depend on this taken-for-granted substance. Their research on an endangered animal illustrated the importance of other life on our planet. The solid waste discussion helped them realize we are mega-consumers who need to get a handle on the amount of waste we generate. We had a field trip to a local stream that had been revived and they were able to see the transformation and understand the importance of just one small stream.


Outcomes and Evidence