Courses and Materials
Part of the InTeGrate Grand Valley State University Program Model
New Program/Major
Integrated Science (Integrated Science Program )
Instructors: See Project Team
Term(s) and Year(s) Offered: Starting Fall 2017
Course Level: 200-400
This Program Change proposes to replace the current Integrated Science (ISCI) Secondary DI Endorsement with a Comprehensive ISCI Secondary Education Major. Pre-service teachers at GVSU currently become certified to teach two science disciplines in grades 6-12 after completing a teachable major and a teachable minor in Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science or Physics, plus a major in Secondary Education from the College of Education, and then passing the Michigan Department of Education (MTTC) subject area tests in the two chosen content areas.
New Courses
SCI 450 Earth and Life Science in Secondary Education (Integrated Science Program)
Instructor: Steve Mattox and Steve Rybczynski
Term(s) and Year(s) Offered: Winter 2018
Course Level: SCI 450
Designed to introduce students to evidence based, Earth and life science teaching pedagogy, science education standards, and science safety practices. Students apply these ideas to lesson plan development and facilitation for Earth and life science content. Two Integrate modules will be used. SCI 450 Syllabus of Record (Acrobat (PDF) 98kB Dec2 16)
SCI 440 Physics and Chemistry in Secondary Education (Integrated Science Program)
Instructor: Angie Slater
Term(s) and Year(s) Offered: Fall 2017
Course Level: SCI 440
Introduces students to evidence based, physical science pedagogy, science education standards, and science safety practices. Students apply these ideas to lesson plan development and facilitation for physical science content.The Tentative Planning Schedule (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 18kB Nov30 16) provides a good overview of the course along with the SCI 440 Syllabus of Record (Acrobat (PDF) 93kB Dec2 16)
EDI 331 Methods and Strategies in Secondary Teaching (College of Education)
Instructor: Stephen Rybczynski
Term(s) and Year(s) Offered: Fall 2017 and Winter 2018
Course Level: EDI 331
Students are placed in classrooms where they present inquiry-based lessons they develop. They articulate the nature of science and identify and demonstrate how process skills can be incorporated into their science teaching. Students discuss the role of assessment and effectively utilize both formative and summative assessment in the classroom. Students reflect and self-assess the effectiveness of their teaching based on evidence of student learning. Students transition from student to professional. EDI 331 syllabus (Microsoft Word 63kB Nov27 16).