Project Team
Part of the InTeGrate University of Illinois Chicago Program Model

Stefany Sit (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Stefany has strong interests in geoscience education and geophysics. She teaches courses to majors, non-majors, and pre-service teachers, where she regularly tries to incorporate geoscientific thinking and develop quantitative and computational skills. At UIC, she thinks about ways to support underrepresented minorities and first generation college students.

Kathryn Nagy (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Kathryn is interested in investigating geochemical and biogeochemical reactions in mineral-organic matter-water systems pertinent to Earth's surface and near-surface regions. Her current research is focused on identifying and characterizing environmental reactions involving the neurotoxic element mercury, other trace elements, and nutrient sulfur. She has worked with high school and undergraduate students to collect soil samples from throughout Chicago to test for mercury. Kathryn is also the lead-PI on a new NSF IUSE-Geopaths program testing
new methods to recruit students from urban high schools and community colleges into the geosciences.

Max Berkelhammer (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Max's research and teaching interests focus on the interactions between the land surface and atmosphere with an emphasis on the global carbon and water cycles. He teaches courses in Soils and Earth Systems where he regularly gets students involved in field work and computer modeling. Max has past experience working as an environmental consultant and as a former high school teacher.

Sarah Cadieux (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Sarah is passionate about undergraduate geoscience education and has scientific interests in geochemistry, paleoclimatology, and limnology. In particular, her recent work has focused on spatial and seasonal variation in aquatic chemistry and biogeochemical cycling of methane and sulfide in Greenland lakes. She teaches introductory and upper level courses, where she emphasizes engaged learning through demonstrations, groupwork, and field trips.

D'Arcy Meyer Dombard (University of Illinois at Chicago)
D'Arcy is interested in investigations and experimentation that explore the interactions between microorganisms and their environments, specifically in ecosystems that present environmental challenges. She regularly conducts fieldwork in Yellowstone National Park and the Philippines to investigate hydrothermal systems, high and low pH systems, systems that access the "deep, dark biosphere," and processes of biomineralization (biofilms, microbialites, microbial mats). D'Arcy is an active member of Women in Science, Engineering, and System Transformation (WISEST) and an advocate and mentor for young scientists.

Carol Stein (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Carol's research covers a range of topics in plate tectonics dealing with the thermal and mechanical evolution of the lithosphere. These studies use a variety of data and modeling approaches, with primary emphasis on measurements of heat flow. Carol has also been involved in several public outreach projects, including this recent video on the Mid-Continent Rift.
Additional Supporting Members:
Roy Plotnick, Andrew Dombard, Fabien Kenig, Sara Loiacono, and Caitlin Boblitt