Initial Publication Date: November 8, 2016
Instructor Stories
Webinar about teaching this module: Integrating GPS, SfM, and TLS into Geoscience Field Courses
Bruce Douglas at Indiana University-Bloomington. Indiana University Geologic Field Station runs a 7.5-week upper-division summer field camp program for later-stage geoscience majors. Students come from many different types of schools around the USA to learn fundamental field skills in structural geology, stratigraphy, and mapping. Near the end of the program they have the opportunity to choose from several electives, including geophysics. The geophysics elective is about ~4 days of intense field time learning to conduct TLS surveys.
David Schmidt and Knut Christianson at University of Washington. These instructors used the module to teach both TLS and SfM methods during an academic year course for geoscience majors - "Field Methods in Remote Sensing". After learning the methods on campus, they conducted a local field trip and then used the resulting data during subsequent class periods and homework to complete Unit 4: Geomorphic Change Detection and Unit 5: Summative Assessment.
Yonathan Admassu at James Madison University Field Camp. James Madison University runs a 6-week upper-division summer field camp for students from JMU and elsewhere. They learn fundamental field skills in structural geology, stratigraphy, and mapping. Midway through the program students spent three days doing Unit 2.1: Geodetic survey of an outcrop for road cut design as a way to learn a practical application of high resolution topography and structural geology.