Print and Online References
This is a collection of print and online references about GeoEthics.
Results 1 - 6 of 6 matches
Geoethics, Ethical Challenges and Case Studies in Earth Sciences
Wyss M., Peppoloni S. (Eds.)
This 450-page book explores ethics in geoscience. It focuses on professional ethics and includes a discussion on improving communication between scientists and the public. The book was written by a ...
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory
G. Lollino, M. Arattano, M. Giardino, R. Oliveira, S. Peppoloni
This 274-page book focuses on education and the professional ethics that are dealt with by scientists, regulators, and practitioners of engineering geology related to the purposes, methods, ...
Geoengineering: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?
David B. Resnik, Daniel A. ValleroThis commentary discusses the ethical and technical aspects of geoengineering in the context of engaging in geoengineering to mitigate global warming.
Expanding boundaries of exploration
The appetite for mining beyond the confines of the land does not end with the deep ocean: celestial bodies, too, have stirred commercial interest. The prospect of mining the ocean floors and bodies ...
Geoethics training in the Earth and environmental sciences
David W. Mogk, Monica Z. Bruckner
Ethical dilemmas are regularly encountered by Earth and environmental scientists. Explicit training is required to allow the community to recognize such dilemmas, and to prevent and mitigate ethical ...