Initial Publication Date: September 23, 2016

Ethics on the Edge: Scientific Integrity and Geoethics in a Changing World

Leaders: Dr. Linda Gundersen, Ocean View Delaware, and Dr. David Mogk, Professor of Geology, Dept. of Earth Sciences, Montana State Univ.

Saturday September 24, 2016, 1-4 PM, Room 704/706 CCC


Explore the ethical and scientific integrity challenges in the geosciences today. Network and dialogue with your peers on issues of resource sustainability, hazard risk assessment, climate change, scientific integrity, open access, intellectual property, conflict of interest, sexual harassment, and gender and other biases. Learn the latest on ethical requirements and guidance from the Geological Society of America, American Geosciences Institute, the National Science Foundation, and the new report from the National Academy of Sciences, as well as the latest global perspectives on scientific integrity and the emerging field of geoethics. Discuss and learn strategies for identifying and resolving scientific integrity and geoethical challenges you may face in your career.

"You will find your own ethical dilemmas in all parts of your lives, both personal and professional. We all have different desires and needs, but if we don't discover what we want from ourselves and what we stand for, we will live passively and unfulfilled. Sooner or later, we are all asked to compromise ourselves and the things we care about. We define ourselves by our actions. With each decision, we tell ourselves and the world who we are. Think about what you want out of this life, and recognize that there are many kinds of success. "

Bill Watterson (author Calvin and Hobbes) Kenyon College Commencement, May 20, 1990


This workshop will provide an interactive forum to explore the principles and practice of scientific integrity and geoethics in the geosciences. We will introduce a number of principles related to scientific integrity followed by case studies to explore the topics in more detail. A comprehensive collection of resources on these topics can be found at the Teaching Geoethics Across the Geoscience Curriculum website.

Scientific Integrity and Geoethics Part I: Principles (Linda Gundersen)

Download the Powerpoint presentation Scientific Integrity and Geoethics in a Changing World (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 2.1MB Sep24 16) by Linda Gundersen

Download 5 Minute Challenges (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 20kB Sep24 16) used in this first presentation.

1:00 Welcome and Introductions

  • Introduction to Scientific Integrity, Ethics, and Trust
  • What is Ethics?
  • Microethics and Macroethics
    • 5 Minute Challenge: Open Science
  • What is Scientific Integrity?
  • Principal of Universality of Science
  • World Conference on Research Integrity
  • U.S. Federal Policy on Research Misconduct
  • Committee on Publication Ethics
  • How do I deal with Scientific Integrity Issue
    • 5 Minute Challenge: Scientific Integrity
  • Discrimination and Harassment
  • Title IX and the Education Environment
  • Sexual Harrassment
    • 5 Minute Challenge: Harassment and Bias
  • Geoscience Codes of Conduct
  • 5 Minute Challenge: Climate Science Ethics

2:15 BREAK

Scientific Integrity and Geoethics Part II: Practices (David Mogk)

Download the Powerpoint presentation Geoethics Strategies and Actions--Personal to Global (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 54.1MB Sep23 16) by David Mogk

2:30 Strategies and actions: personal to global (a "tool-kit" for ethical decision-making)

  • The scope of Geoethics: intersection of geoscience, philosophy, economics and sociology
  • Why Geoethics? Professional Expectations, Social Responsibility
  • Nature of Geoscience: opens the door to many ethical dilemmas
  • Guiding Principle: Beneficence
  • Geoethical Decision-Making: Guiding Questions
  • Four Dimensions of Geoethics: Self, Profession, Society, Planet
  • Geoethics and Self
  • Geoethics and Profession
  • Professionalism: Responsibility, Respect, Trust
  • Geoethics and Society
  • Public Trust, Social Responsibility,
  • Geoethics and Justice: Environmental, Generational, Distributional
  • Geoethics and Earth
  • Sustainability, Land Ethic
    • 5 Minute Challenge: Exxon/Mobil
  • Are there, or should there be, limits to geoscience research?
  • Teaching Geoethics: The need, what, why how?
  • Join the International Association for Promoting Geoethics
  • 3:45 Summary, Reflection, and Workshop Feedback

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