Workshop: Teaching Quantitative Reasoning Using Data: Project EDDIE

A workshop for instructors to expand teaching with large datasets

Sunday, May 15, 2022 8:00-12:00 ET
As part of the Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting
DeVos Place, Monroe C, Grand Rapids, MI

Jump down to: Goals | Expectations | Program | Additional Resources


  • Participate fully in the entire workshop
  • Follow the JASM code of conduct - takes you to the JASM website

Workshop Goals

The goals of this experience are to:

  • Connect with colleagues with a shared interest in teaching inquiry with open data
  • Learn about strategies for teaching with large datasets that improve quantitative reasoning in students
  • Become familiar with the Project EDDIE materials and the guiding principles used to develop them
  • Develop individual action plans and next steps for improving classroom teaching


The workshop will include presentations, small-group work time, and active discussions. Participants will leave with an individual action plan for their own next steps. Our time will be adapted to meet the needs and interests of the participants. Workshop participants will be asked to bring a laptop and complete an end of workshop survey.


All times Eastern time zone

8:00 Arrive and connect to the wifi

8:15 Welcome and introductions
JASM introduction to EDDIE 2.pptx (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 6.2MB May15 22)

  • What course are you thinking of modifying? What is a goal or motivation for this change?

Objectives for the workshop

8:30 Discussion: Why Quantitative Reasoning?

  • Consider your ideal student researcher

8:45 Introduction to Project EDDIE design

9:00 Activity - working with the Climate Change module

  • About the worksheet
  • Working through Activity (start with A, work for 30 minutes; take a short break if needed)
    • Take notes on your experience as a student 
    • Document idea for changes that would make you more comfortable teaching 
    • Write down any questions/sticking points you'd like to discuss

Discussion time to help each other work through places we are stuck

Reflection on the experience of being a student

A statistical vignette on regression might be helpful here

10:00 or as needed Break

10:30 Reflection

  • Think about your course goals and the motivations you shared,  how would your selected EDDIE Module align with these goals? What course/activity learning objective(s) are you planning to address in your course using the selected EDDIE module/materials?

10:45 Activity: Preparing to adopt an EDDIE Module

  • Identify a module that you would like to use in your course.
  • Skim parts A, B, & C of the activity, including the student handouts, noting how these activities scaffold to allow students to develop skills in conducting inquiry and problem solving using big data.
    • Download this handout  Planning to adopt a Project EDDIE module.docx (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 32kB May13 22)
    • Take notes on your experience using the guiding questions in your handout. 
    • Write down any questions/sticking points you'd like to discuss

11:25 Group Discussion

  • What are some strategies that you have successfully used in the past to address any of the challenges identified? 
  • Are there other strategies that you used that have become invaluable?

Action planning

11:30 Additional EDDIE Resources

11:45 End of Workshop survey
12:00 adjourn

Additional Resources From Other Sources

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