Please reflect on the workshop thus far. Your input is valuable to us as we plan for tomorrow and future workshops. Your responses to this survey will be kept confidential. We would like you to enter your name below. This will improve our ability to evaluate the program by allowing us to link information about your workshop experience to your responses to other evaluation instruments. The evaluator will remove your name from the survey results and only use it to make this linkage. The workshop conveners will not see your name.
Name Workshop Feedback1. What have been the most valuable aspects of the workshop to you, thus far? 2. To create tomorrow's breakout group discussions, what topic related to teaching with data or with quantitative reasoning would you like to discuss? This could be continuing conversations from today or new items that have not yet been covered. 3. What comments, concerns, suggestions, or complaints do you have about any aspect of the workshop? 4. Please indicate your current satisfaction with this workshop by selecting the appropriate number. Choose one: 1 - Very Dissatisfied 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - Very Satisfied Comments to explain your rating: