Pre-Workshop Survey

We would like to learn a little bit about your experience as a teaching assistant. What kind of TA work have you done? Select all that apply.

How well prepared do you feel to do each of the following in your teaching:
Not adequately preparedSomewhat preparedFairly well preparedVery well prepared
Develop students' conceptual understanding of the science ideas you teach
Develop students' abilities to do science (for example: develop scientific questions; design and conduct investigations; analyze data; develop models, explanations, and scientific arguments)
Develop students' awareness of STEM careers
Incorporate engineering design concepts and activities
Provide science instruction that is based on students' ideas (whether completely correct or not) about the topics you teach
Use formative assessment to monitor student learning
Differentiate science instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners
Incorporate students' cultural backgrounds into science instruction
Encourage students' interest in science and/or engineering
Encourage participation of all students in science and/or engineering

Please rate your level of agreement with each of the following statements:
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNo opinionAgreeStrongly agree
Students learn science best in classes with students of similar abilities
It is better for science instruction to focus on ideas in depth, even if that means covering fewer topics
At the beginning of instruction on a science idea, students should be provided with definitions for new scientific vocabulary that will be used.
Teachers should explain an idea to students before having them consider evidence that relates to the idea.
Most class periods should provide opportunities for students to share their thinking and reasoning.
Hands-on/laboratory activities should be used primarily to reinforce a science idea that the students have already learned.
Teachers should ask students to support their conclusions about a science concept with evidence.
Students learn best when instruction is connected to their everyday lives.
Most class periods should provide opportunities for students to apply scientific ideas to real-world contexts.
Students should learn science by doing science (for example: developing scientific questions; designing and conducting investigations; analyzing data; developing models, explanations, and scientific arguments).