

  • Please complete this Pre-Survey. It will help the conveners target the workshop content to be as valuable as possible. Please complete the survey by July 8.
  • There are some resources in the private workspace that we would like you to review before the workshop. One paper (Wiggins and McTigue, 1998) and a few short videos will providecommon groundwork for the group. The other resources listed on the page are optional.


8:30 Workshop introductions and Warming the Space

8:45 Brief overview of backward design

9:00 Basic concepts about soils

  • Morphological properties: Soil horizons, color
  • Physical properties:Texture, bulk density, saturated hydraulic conductivity
  • Chemical properties: Organic carbon, nutrients, and pH

9:30 Introduction to the United States Soil Data (USSD) Shiny app

  • Site properties: Slope, land cover
  • Environmental variables: Mean annual precipitation (MAP), mean annual temperature (MAT)
  • Soil properties: Morphological, physical, and chemical properties
  • Interacting with the variables

9:40 Explore the data: Small Groups

Activity Files in the Participant Workspace.

  • Activity 1. Mapping soil variables: Map precipitation, temperature, land cover, and pH 
  • Activity 2. Exploring depth trends: SOC and clay
  • Activity 3. Exploring relationships with environmental variables and quantifying trends: Plotting and fitting linear, curvilinear, and non-linear functions to several relationships (clay vs. MAT and MAP; ph vs. MAT and MAP)
  • Activity 4. Exploring relationships between soil variables: Plot organic carbon and color

10:00 Break

10:10 Explore the data: Jigsaw Groups

10:25 Group Report Out

10:30-11:25 Group Working Time: Design an activity

11:25 End of Day Roadcheck

11:30 Adjourn for the day

Homework: Prepare up to 3 slides about your draft activity that your group can present on Friday morning.  The presentations should be less than 5 minutes each.  Consider talking about:

  • Student learning goals for the concept/module
  • What evidence you would accept that your goals are met
  • Overview of the activity that will allow students to practice or demonstrate evidence that they have met the learning goals
  • What data will students be working with in the activity
  • What tools are necessary for students to successfully navigate the activity 


8:30 Plan for the Day (UPDATED)

8:35 Activity 5 Development and Discussion

9:00 Activity Groups work on their activities

10:15 Break

10:25 Sharing: Groups will give short presentations about their activities and get feedback from the other participants.

11:15 Workshop evaluation

11:30 Adjourn