Because, We Are Scientists

How do we successfully increase belonging, accessibility, justice, equity, and inclusion (BeAJEDI) in STEM? My opinions are based on a synthesis of past research and the vision that guided the development of Unlearning Racism in Geoscience (URGE; and an upcoming conference for People of Color in Geoscience. Focus on Geoscientists, especially Geoscientists of Color. Honor social science research, expert opinions, and personal experiences. Build a community around a narrowly defined cause. Conduct rigorous research. Use that research to change and grow continually. Narrowly focus on the goals of the program or activity. Include accountability and safety checks during planning. Recognize your team for their work. Compensate your team. Be reliable. Tell stories. Less can be more. Consistently brand and market your activities. Be creative, bold, and innovative. Think outside the box. Aim high. And always refer back to the vision.