Program: Teaching & Learning about Feedback Loops
Note: The workshop runs for 3 hours: 8-11 PDT, 9-noon MDT, 10am - 1pm CDT, and 11am - 2pm EDT. In the schedule below, the times are indicated as minutes:hours from the beginning of the workshop, so as to be equally readable from any timezone.
0:00 Introductions and overview of workshop
0:15 Presentation: Getting on the same page: What are feedback loops? Why are feedback loops important? Positive/reinforcing versus Negative/balancing. Desirable versus Undesirable.
0:30 Small group icebreaker: How do we each use, or desire to use, feedback loops in our teaching?
0:45 Introduction to Strategy #1: Kinesthetic learning "Living Loops"
1:00 Small groups: Try a Strategy #1 "Living Loops" activity and reflect
1:15 Break
1:25 Share some insights about Strategy #1; Introduction to Strategy #2: Mutual alignment analogy
1:45 Small groups: Try Strategy #2 Mutual Alignment Analogy activity and reflect
2:00 Share some insights from Strategy #2; Introduction to Strategy #3: Causal loop diagrams
2:25 Small groups: Try a Strategy #3 Causal loop diagram activity and reflect
2:40 Share some insights from Strategy #3; First pass at coalescing topics/groups for Friday's work session
3:00 Adjourn for the day
0:00 PT Key lessons learned from yesterday and from Road Check
0:15 PT Complete process of coalescing work groups for today
0:30 PT Psychology of Feedback Loops: Presentation and Discussion
1:00 PT First work session to design a learning activity about feedback loops
- small groups coalesced around common audience or strategy
- use a web page laid out like a SERC Activity Form to record your work
- First session goals: first pass at Title, Context, Goals
1:40 PT Optional return to main room to discuss problems or questions
1:50 PT Second work session on your learning activity
- Second session goals: first pass at Description, early thought about Assessment
- make plan to continue work post-workshop (or not)
2:30 PT Closing discussion: what will you carry away from this workshop?
2:45 PT Workshop evaluation
3:00 PT Adjourn for the day