Community Broadcasts

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Programming and Support for K-12 Educators at the Rendezvous
The Earth Educators' Rendezvous offers a great opportunity to connect with K-12 colleagues and interact with other Earth educators. Check out funding and programming for K-12 educators, and learn more about ...

Don't miss out - submit your abstract, teaching demo, or share-a-thon
Don't miss out - submit your abstract, teaching demo, or share-a-thon presentation today! The deadline to submit abstracts and proposals for the 2021 Earth Educators' Rendezvous Contributed Program is ...

EER Attendee Information for Wednesday
We hope your Rendezvous experience is going well so far! As you plan your Wednesday, please take a moment to consult the Program for Wednesday's afternoon opportunities. Options include poster sessions, oral ...

Reminder - Complete the End of Event Survey
Thank you for attending the 7th Annual Earth Educators' Rendezvous online! Please Complete the End of Event Survey If you have not yet done so, please provide feedback on your experience at this year's ...

Presenter Information
The 2021 Earth Educators' Rendezvous is only a few days away! Don't forget to upload your presentation materials and register, if you have not yet done so. Continue reading below for more details. If you ...

EER Attendee Information for Thursday
To those participants just beginning Online Rendezvous, welcome! Tomorrow is transition day. Whether you are just joining us for the second part of the Rendezvous or if you have been with us since the beginning of ...

EER Attendee Information for Sunday
We are excited for the start of the 2021 Rendezvous this Sunday! Below you will find important information about this year's Rendezvous. We recognize this is a lot of information, but please read the entire ...

Thank you for attending the 2021 Earth Educators' Rendezvous!
Thank you for attending the 7th Annual Earth Educators' Rendezvous online! What a tremendous week of learning, sharing, networking and collaborating. We hope you connected with old colleagues and new and are ...

Register for the Rendezvous today!
The Earth Educators' Rendezvous early registration deadline is today, May 4! Don't miss out on the lowest rates. NAGT members receive an additional 0 off. Attend the Rendezvous and learn about new ...

Rendezvous Abstracts Deadline March 4!
Submit your abstract by March 4! The Contributed Program submission deadline for the 2021 Earth Educators' Rendezvous is fast approaching! The Contributed Program, comprised of oral presentations, posters, ...