EER Attendee Information for Wednesday
We hope your Rendezvous experience is going well so far! As you plan your Wednesday, please take a moment to consult the Program for Wednesday's afternoon opportunities. Options include poster sessions, oral sessions, teaching demonstrations, and the NAGT Social. Zoom connection information is posted on the corresponding pages.
Wednesday Afternoon Options
Poster Sessions
Three synchronous poster sessions will be held from 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET on Wednesday. All Rendezvous participants are invited to attend. Sessions will include 4-7 posters on similar topics and will start with a presentation of a 1-minute lightning talk for each poster presenter. Zoom sessions will allow authors to move into Breakout Rooms for more specific discussions with Rendezvous participants.
- Session I: The Undergraduate Classroom and Lab Courses
- Session II: Online Teaching--Lessons Learned during the Pandemic
- Session III: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Oral Sessions
All Rendezvous participants are invited to attend the oral sessions. Each oral session will run concurrently with the other contributed program sessions over a 2.5 hour period. Each talk is 15 minutes in length. Sessions will be held at 12-2:30pm PT / 1-3:30pm MT / 2-4:30pm CT / 3-5:30pm ET.
Teaching and Program Sessions
Session I: Student Learning
Session II: Resources for Teaching, Preparing Teachers, and Career Prep
Session III: Teaching for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Education Research and Discipline Based Education Research Sessions
Session IV: Improving Programs and Broadening Participation in Geoscience Education
Session V: Improving Student Learning in the Geosciences
Session VI: Effective Curriculum and Teaching Practices in the Geosciences
Teaching Demos
The teaching demos session will feature 12-minute teaching demonstrations, designed as 9 minute presentations followed by a 3 minute Q&A session, in sequence. Sessions will be held at 12-2:30pm PT / 1-3:30pm MT / 2-4:30pm CT / 3-5:30pm ET. All Rendezvous participants are invited to attend the teaching demos. Check out the schedule here.
NAGT Social
We invite you to join the NAGT Social. In previous years, Geo2YC, GER, and TED divisions co-host a social. In 2020, the groups hosted a virtual social on Zoom. This year we will be hosting one on Remo! Remo will provide you the opportunity to move from "table" to "table" to interact with others in the divisions as you please without a host placing you with a new group. Hosts will be around to help answer questions and navigate the platform.
Festivities will be held from 4:00-6:00pm PT / 5:00-7:00pm MT / 6:00-8:00pm CT / 7:00-9:00pm ET. This event is open to all members of the three NAGT Divisions. We hope to see you there!
NC-FEW Meet and Greet Opportunity
You're invited to a networking opportunity for current and prospective members of the National Collaborative for Research on Food, Energy, and Water Education (NC-FEW, Drop by to say hello to colleagues and learn more about NC-FEW from project leaders.
Wednesday, July 14, 5:30 Eastern/4:30 Central/3:30 Mountain/2:30 Pacific
Check out the discussion board to find out how to connect.
CEU Credit Opportunity
Interested in receiving Continuing Education Unit credit(s) for participation at the Rendezvous? Complete the end of workshop evaluations and attend sessions logged in under your full name and send your request to NAGT's Executive Office at
2021 NAGT Donor Challenge
NAGT is working hard to make sure the Rendezvous is an event that educators can attend regardless of financial resources. To this end, a group of "Friends of NAGT" has stepped up to initiate a challenge for Rendezvous past and present participants. These Friends of NAGT have pledged $1000 for stipends to attend the 2022 Rendezvous that can only be 'unlocked' if 50 individuals contribute to the NAGT Professional Development Fund.
We are nearly a quarter of the way towards our goal but almost halfway through the Rendezvous! Give now through your NAGT Membership account and select the Professional Development Fund to help us unlock the challenge. All contributions received during the Rendezvous will count towards the challenge.
Connect Via Social Media
Connect with your peers and NAGT on social media! Follow NAGT on Facebook and Twitter. Use #EarthER21 and tag NAGT in your posts!
We invite you to share a selfie of how you Rendezvous or your "aha moments" from the week through Twitter and Facebook. What changed for you? What inspired you? What surprised you? What encouraged you? We invite everyone to post their reflections as the experiences happen, rather than waiting until the end of the week.
Connect Via the Message Board
Looking to start an informal discussion? New to the Rendezvous and looking to make new connections? Want to follow up with folks after discussions started in your workshop or poster session? Please use our digital message board to continue the conversations and networking.
Need Assistance?
Need help with something? Click on the chat button on the bottom right corner of any 2021 Rendezvous web page to chat with a SERC staff person.