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Attending the 2021 Earth Educators' Rendezvous

Initial Publication Date: July 6, 2021

The seventh annual Earth Educators' Rendezvous is just one week away! We look forward to seeing you at this year's online event. Please see below for important information about attending this year's Rendezvous:

Participant Information

Please review the Participant Information page which includes information on expectations, guidelines for participating in online events, and NAGT's code of conduct policy. Attending Rendezvous for the first time? Check out the first time Rendezvous participant page for resources you may find useful for navigating the Rendezvous.

Code of Conduct at the Rendezvous

NAGT meetings and events foster the exchange of ideas through open and respectful dialogues at oral and poster sessions, workshops, field trips, short courses, mentorships, and other NAGT-supported programs. NAGT promotes, provides, expects, and endorses a professional and respectful atmosphere and values a diversity of views and opinions. NAGT's Events Code of Conduct Policy (PDF) is important to promoting diversity and creating an inclusive, supportive, and collaborative environment for all people.

Sunday Evening Opening Reception

We invite you to join us for the Opening Reception for the 2021 Earth Educators' Rendezvous, taking place via Zoom on Sunday, July 11! Take this opportunity to meet new colleagues, catch up with old ones, learn about new session formats, and anticipate a great week of Earth education. Rendezvous leaders will summarize the program and give you a heads-up about how things will start on Monday morning. We will also have a couple of informal activities designed to help you find out more about your fellow participants. Come join us and ease your way into what will be an exciting week!

Session Connection Information

Programming will utilize Zoom web meetings. If you have not used Zoom before, please test your internet connection using this link prior to the week of Rendezvous: We highly recommend updating Zoom to the latest version. This will help to ensure that you can fully participate in conference events by using the full functionality of Zoom.

Session connection information will be posted on the summary page for each event.

You can easily navigate to the event summary page from the Rendezvous Program. In order to see the connection info on the event web pages, you will need to be logged in to your SERC account using the email address you registered with. You can try it out on the bottom of the Opening Reception event page.

Contributed Program Sessions and Materials

All Rendezvous participants are welcome to attend the contributed program sessions, regardless of which days or the number of days they have registered for. This includes the Share-a-thon, Poster, Oral, and Teaching Demonstration sessions.

Presenters have started posting their materials on their abstract pages, and we invite you to explore those for more information ahead of their presentations. You can navigate to the sessions from the Rendezvous Program or using the buttons at the top of the Contributed Program web page. If you're a presenter, don't forget to review the presenter guidelines and upload your materials.

Plenary Sessions

As with the contributed program, all participants are welcome to attend the Tuesday and Thursday plenary sessions, regardless of which days or the number of days they have registered for. Learn more about the Plenary Sessions, and speakers Katharine Hayhoe (Texas Tech University) and Gillian Roehrig (University of Minnesota-Twin Cities).

NAGT Diversity Stories

Join your fellow Geoscientists as we debut the NAGT Featured Stories in Diversity. This is a collection of lived experiences and lessons learned from within our community relating to the broad themes of diversity, equity, and inclusion. We welcome submissions to the collection that highlight an idea, experience, observation, or request regarding diversity, equity, and/or inclusion in the Earth Sciences. Please see the website for more details.

Connect Via Social Media

Be sure to "Like" NAGT on Facebook and follow us on Twitter! Send your tweets to @nagtgeo and use #EarthER21.

Share a Selfie

We miss seeing you all in person! To help build a sense of community, share a selfie of your Rendezvous experience on Facebook or Twitter using #EarthER21. Whether you're Rendezvousing solo, have a furry co-worker, or a tiny human companion; whether you're joining us from a big city, small cabin, or somewhere in between - show us how you Rendezvous!

Share your Aha Moments

We invite you to share your "aha moments" throughout the week through Facebook or Twitter using #EarthER21. What changed for you? What inspired you? What surprised you? What encouraged you? We encourage everyone to post your reflections as the experiences happen, rather than waiting until the end of the week.

Connect Via the Message Board

Looking to start an informal discussion? New to the Rendezvous and looking to make new connections? Want to follow up with folks after discussions started in your workshop or poster session? Please use our digital message board to continue the conversations and networking.

Evening Email

Be sure to check your email for our evening communication which will include last-minute updates and highlights for the next day. Remember: if you do not receive a daily email, be sure to check your "spam" folder.