The Earth Educators' Rendezvous early registration deadline is one week away! Register by Tuesday, May 4 for the best rates. NAGT members receive $100 off registration. If you are not yet an NAGT member, you can join today! Don't miss these upcoming deadlines:
- Get the best rates by registering for the Rendezvous by Tuesday, May 4
- Apply to participate in the 2021 Activity Review Camp by Tuesday, May 4
- Submit a poster session abstract or a Share-a-Thon proposal by Tuesday, May 18
Keep reading to learn more about the Rendezvous Program, Contributed Program, and how to receive more information.
This year's online Rendezvous Program features a mix of multi-day workshops, afternoon mini-workshops, round table discussions, plenaries, and more!
- Design your own experience - The Program format and its variety of topics allow you participate in programming that meets your specific interests and needs.
- Multi-day workshops are interactive, with participants learning from experts and from one another in formats that utilize research-backed pedagogies. Registration is required to reserve your spot in the multi-day workshops, so register early for the best selection.
- Afternoon programming includes a variety of Mini-workshops, Round Table Discussions, Plenaries, the Contributed Program, and more!
- Be part of the community - The Program provides opportunities to not only learn from others, but also to share your expertise!
The Contributed Program, comprised of oral presentations, posters, teaching demos, and Share-a-Thon presentations, offers a venue for sharing your work and engaging in discussions with the Earth Science education community.
There is still time to share your research, teaching ideas, and expertise at the Rendezvous, which brings together researchers and practitioners working in all aspects of Earth education. Submit a poster session abstract or a Share-a-Thon proposal for consideration by Tuesday, May 18, 2021.
Check out the Rendezvous website, including the Program and Participant Information for more details. We hope to see you there!