Geoscience Videos and Their Role in Supporting Student Learning in Hybrid Introductory Geoscience Courses

Wednesday 3:30pm REC Center Large Ice Overlook Room
Oral Presentation Part of Digital Geology and Visualization


Jennifer Wiggen, North Carolina State University
David McConnell, North Carolina State University
A series of geoscience videos were created to support student learning in Introductory Physical Geology classes at North Carolina State University. Specifically, we have created web-streamed videos with multiple formats to supplement specific geoscience concepts and processes ( Videos are typically 5-7 minutes long and made using a stylus, tablet, microphone and video editing software. Essentially, we narrate a slide, sketch a diagram or explain a figure while describing the concept illustrated by what is projected onto the tablet.
During the creation of the videos we considered aspects of effective multimedia design (e.g., spatial and temporal contiguity, modality, coherence) that have been shown to enhance student learning. Videos typically contained the following elements: a focus topic for each video module, learning objectives, and various narrated content slides and images. A learning objective reflection activity was presented at the end of each video to assess student confidence that they could successfully complete the objectives of the lesson. Students answered separate multiple choice and open-ended questions on the class management system to assess comprehension of the material covered in each video.
These videos can be implemented outside of class to aid in student learning and. The videos can be integrated into pre-class activities and/or used as post-class resources in support of lecture. Assigning the videos before class provides an opportunity for instructors to make additional time available during class for more in-depth active learning exercises. Essentially, by moving some of the instruction to a pre-class video, instructors can create a "flipped" or hybrid classroom and reformat in-class activities to promote more in-depth learning focusing on challenging course content.