Workshop Program
Strengthening Your Geoscience Program: Ideas & Examples
Tuesday, June 2
5:00 Opening Reception and Icebreaker, Chesapeake A, Sadler Center
6:00 Dinner, Chesapeake A, Sadler Center
7:30 Opening Session: What Makes a Strong Department?
List of Characteristics of Thriving Departments from the 2005 workshop on Developing Pathways to Strong Departments of the Future
Wednesday, June 3
7:30-8:30 Breakfast, Center Court Dining Facility, Sadler Center
8:45-9:00 Opening Remarks, Chesapeake A, Sadler Center
9:00-10:30 Developing a Program Model: Bringing Together Planning and Assessment (PowerPoint 445kB Jun3 09) - Cathy Manduca, Science Education Resource Center
10:30-11:00 Break
11:00-12:30 Breakout Sessions on Major Themes
- Curriculum and Program Design (PowerPoint 2.1MB Dec3 09) - Mary Savina, Carleton College, Chesapeake A
- Preparing Students for the Workforce (PowerPoint 345kB Jun2 09) - Diane Doser, University of Texas - El Paso, Chesapeake B
- Recruiting and Retaining Students (PowerPoint 2.8MB Jun3 09) - Randy Richardson, University of Arizona, Chesapeake C
- Program Assessment (PowerPoint 4.2MB Jun3 09) - Diane Clemens-Knott, California State University - Fullerton, McGlothlin-Street Hall Room 224
12:30-1:30 Lunch, Center Court Dining Facility, Sadler Center
2:00-3:30 Breakout Sessions on Major Themes
- Curriculum and Program Design (PowerPoint 2.1MB Dec3 09) - Mary Savina, Carleton College, Chesapeake A
- Beyond the Curriculum: Geo Clubs, K-12 Outreach, Departmental Seminars, and More (PowerPoint 48.9MB Jun5 09) - Dallas Rhodes, Georgia Southern University, Chesapeake B
- Recruiting and Retaining Students (PowerPoint 2.8MB Jun3 09) - Randy Richardson, University of Arizona, Chesapeake C
- Building a Department Team (Microsoft Word 28kB Jun9 09) - Geoff Feiss, College of William and Mary, McGlothlin-Street Hall 224
3:30-4:00 Break, Chesapeake B
4:00-5:30 Reflection and Teamwork, Chesapeake A
- Teams for participants who are the only representatives of their departments
- Action Plan Template (Microsoft Word 28kB Jun2 09)
- Action Plan Review Questions (Microsoft Word 29kB Jun2 09)
5:30-6:30 Where Are We Now?
- Returning to Assessment (PowerPoint 1.5MB Jun2 09) - Cathy Manduca, Science Education Resource Center
- Plenary Discussion
- Daily Roadcheck
Dinner (in town)
Thursday, June 4
7:30-8:30 Breakfast, Center Court Dining Facility, Sadler Center
8:45-9:00 Opening Remarks, Chesapeake A, Sadler Center
9:00-10:30 Going from Plans to Actions (PowerPoint 135kB Jun3 09) - Geoff Feiss, College of William and Mary
10:30-11:00 Break
11:00-12:30 Breakout Sessions: Selected Topics Based on Participant Interest
Dallas Rhodes and Pamela Gore
- Dealing with Disciplines: Blended Departments, Collaborations with Allied Departments and Programs, and More - Dallas Rhodes and Mary Savina
- Reaching Beyond Your Institution: Forging Collaborations with Geoscientists at Other Colleges and Universities at the Local, State, and Regional Level - Pamela Gore and Heather Macdonald
- Working with Alumni - Diane Doser and Randy Richardson
- Incorporating A Stronger Field Component in Your Curriculum - Yvette Kuiper and Geoff Feiss
- Graduate Programs - Diane Clemens-Knott
12:30-2:00 Working Lunch: Department Teams Finalize Draft Action/Implementation Plans (Microsoft Word 28kB Jun2 09), Center Court Dining Facility, Sadler Center
2:00-3:30 Structured Review of Action and Implementation Plans
Review teams for action plans
3:30-4:30 Finalize Plans and upload them
4:30-5:30 Closing Session
- Desirable Support, Lessons Learned, and Recommendations
- Workshop evaluation