Jump down to: workshop program * workshop outcomes * dates * expectations * cost * application and selection criteria * facilities
Workshop Program
This workshop will provide an opportunity to think broadly about how to strengthen geoscience departments. It will focus on topics addressed in previous workshops and on areas of high interest to participants such as student recruitment, curriculum, co-curricular programs, preparing students as geoscience professionals, assessment, and departmental leadership and management. The program will also include discussions of how colleges and universities in a region might work together (e.g., articulation agreements between two-year colleges and four-year colleges and universities, joint field trips, courses).
The program will include presentations by workshop leaders, small and whole group breakout sessions focused on topics listed above, working time to develop an action plan for your department, and reviews of these action plans by other workshop participants and leaders. A key focus of the workshop is for each department participating in the workshop (whether an individual or a team of two or three faculty) to be able to focus on issues that are of particular interest to their department, so participants will be able to select breakout sessions that are of most interest to them.
Workshop Outcomes
In addition to promoting communication and exchange of information among participating institutions, the workshop will produce these specific outcomes:- Increased awareness of the variety of strategies and resources that departments can use to strengthen aspects of their program
- A plan for assessing key aspects of their program and assessing the impact of changes
- Action plans by each participant or participant team that address areas of particular interest to the department and include a strategy for how their department can move forward through departmental rather than individual action
- Addition of resources to the Building Strong Departments website
The workshop will begin on Tuesday afternoon, June 2, at 5:00 pm and end at 5:30 on Thursday, June 4. Participants must attend all sessions.Expectations
Participants are expected to:- Prepare in advance for workshop discussions via readings, writings, discussion or other activities developed by workshop leaders.
- Submit an essay about the department's strengths and challenges, a description of the department's planning process, and a summary of the most recent departmental review (internal and/or external).
- Develop an action plan at the workshop, implement it on campus, and report the outcome to the project.
- Participate fully in the entire workshop.
- Contribute to on-line collections of resources for the Building Strong Departments website.
- Assist in disseminating the results of the workshop through discussions with colleagues and other activities.