Initial Publication Date: April 16, 2009
Pre-Workshop Assignments
By April 29:
Each member of your department team needs to
- Register for the workshop
By May 8:
Each departmental team needs to
- Submit a short (1-2 page) essay that describes your department's strengths and weaknesses, a description of the department's planning process, and a summary of the most recent departmental review (internal and/or external). We will post the essays on the workshop website and, as appropriate, incorporate them into the Building Strong Geoscience Departments website.
- Submit information about a curriculum. We will make a page about each curriculum and add it to our collection of curriculum profiles.
- Assessment Instruments: One of the time consuming places we often strugle is in creating the actual assessment instruments, items such as senior surveys, alumni surveys, rubrics for evaluating senior research, or classroom assessments that are integrated into the department's overall assessment. There is substantial interest in seeing instruments developed by others as a mechanism for improving the design of new instruments and to reduce the need to reinvent the wheel. Please share assessment instruments that are working for your department. In order to help your colleagues make effective use of these instruments, we ask you to provide information on their design, use, and impact, in addition to uploading the instrument itself. Submissions will be made into webpages with an attached file and made widely available via the Building Strong Geoscience Departments website.
- Recruiting Materials: Recruiting and retaining students is a nearly ubiquitous concern among geoscience departments. Share recruitment materials that have worked for your department. We'll add your contributions to our pages on student recruitment.