Complete List of Google Earth Activities

Results 1 - 10 of 61 matches

Reconnaissance stratigraphy and mapping of the Frying Pan Gulch, MT part of Cutting Edge:Enhance Your Teaching:Teaching with Online Field Experiences:Activities
Students are required to create a reconnaissance geologic map and report for a small area (approximately 0.5 sq. mile) Frying Pan Gulch just NW of Dillon, Montana. This project is designed to make students familiar ...

Online Field Experience Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the Teaching with Online Field Experiences Exemplary collection
See the activity page for details.

Exploring Marine Sediments Using Google Earth part of GEODE:GEODE Teaching Resources
This exercise uses empirical data and Google Earth to explore the surficial distribution of marine sediments in the modern ocean. Over 2500 sites are plotted with access to original data. We recommend first ...

Pangaea Breakup part of GEODE:GEODE Teaching Resources
A Google Earth animation files was developed to show the Pangaea breakup. The animation is utilized to illustrate the evidence for plate tectonics and plate motion. Three student exercises are build around this ...

Grand Tour of the Terrestrial Planets part of GEODE:GEODE Teaching Resources
In the age of publicly funded space exploration involving several national space agencies, knowing about the highest mountain in the solar system is as basic to geospatial literacy as knowing about the highest ...

Virtual Marine Sediment Core Collection part of GEODE:GEODE Teaching Resources
A primary objective of marine science classes is to learn the location and formation of ocean sediment types. Nearly 50 years of scientific ocean drilling has produced a tremendous scientific collection of cores ...

A Grand Tour of the Ocean Basins part of GEODE:GEODE Teaching Resources
The Tour Stops are arranged in a teaching sequence, starting with continental rifting and incipient ocean basin formation in East Africa and the Red Sea and ending with the oldest surviving fragments of oceanic ...

Arctic Climate Curriculum, Activity 1: Exploring the Arctic part of Climate Change:Activities
This activity introduces students to the Arctic, including different definitions of the Arctic and exploration of the Arctic environment and Arctic people. Students set out on a virtual exploration of the geography ...

CLEAN Selected This activity has been selected for inclusion in the CLEAN collection.
Learn more about this review process.

In William Smith's footsteps: a modern take on regional stratigraphy part of Teach the Earth:Teaching Activities
This activity uses modern Google Earth to view 3D geological cross sections from the British Geological Survey, in order to trace the units that formed William Smith's 'Map That Changed The World". ...

Renewable Energy Virtual Field Trip part of Teach the Earth:Teaching Activities
This is a virtual field trip on the subject of renewable energy. The Google Earth slideshow will take you around the world to different key renewable energy sites across the world. Each site will have a quick ...

Google Earth Investigation of Pleistocene Flood Deposits Across the Pacific Northwest part of Teach the Earth:Teaching Activities
In this activity, students use Google Earth Pro to examine and measure sedimentary and geomorphic structures related to the late Pleistocene draining of glacial Lake Missoula and Lake Bonneville.