Initial Publication Date: September 23, 2014

Capturing time lapse images on cellphone

Source/Author: Scott Brande
Subject: creating time lapse images on cellphone
Description: The process of sedimentation of suspended mud in a graduated cylinder was captured as a series of time lapse images using the camera and software systems on an Android OS cellphone. Equipment, experimental setup, and image capture software and memory storage concerns are addressed. The follow up video provides instructions for assembling the time lapse image series into a movie file, and discusses opportunities for active learning using the sedimentation video.
Duration: Part 1: 5:19, Part 2: 3:07
Comments: Instructional video for anyone who wishes to use a cellphone camera system to record a time lapse series of images for later assembly into a movie.
Part 1 -
cellphone vid thumb

Part 2:
cellphone vid thumb part 2