Initial Publication Date: May 1, 2006
Presentations from the Workshop Teaching Structural Geology in the 21stCentury
Hotlinks below enable you to download the handouts and supporting materials for each of the sessions in the program of the workshop Teaching Structural Geology in the 21st Century offered by On the Cutting Edge at Smith College in Northampton, MA from June 25-July 2, 2004.
Keynote Address and Discussion
Topic: Individual Differences in Spatial Perception and Cognition (PowerPoint 2.6MB Jun12 04)
Keynote address on human spatial perception by cognitive scientist Dr. Mary Hegarty (University of California, Santa Barbara), followed by discussion of implications for teaching structural geology (Microsoft Word 21kB Jun17 04).
Plenary Discussions
Topic: Why do we teach structural geology? What should the learning goals be for a 21st century structural geology course?- Discussion results (Microsoft Word 21kB Jun17 04)
- Survey results Part I (Excel 10kB Jun15 04) (contains responses to questions about textbooks and lab manuals)
- Survey results Part II (Excel 21kB Jun15 04) (contains responses to survey about topics covered)
- Discussion results (Microsoft Word 21kB Jun17 04)
Long Demonstration Sessions
Set 1
75-minute demonstration sessions. Click here to see full description of each session.- L1A Venus, Earth's Structural Sister: Investigations Using Radar Imagery (Acrobat (PDF) 204kB Jun10 04) (Vicki Hansen, University of Minnesota, Duluth).
- L1B Physical Experiments Demonstrate the Relationship Between Strain, Stress, and Rheology (Microsoft Word 59kB Jun15 04) (Basil Tikoff, University of Wisconsin).
- L1C Hypothesis Testing and Breakin' Rocks (Microsoft Word 733kB Jun15 04) (Michele Cooke, University of Massachusetts).
- L1D Using "An Introduction to Structural Methods" - An Interactive CD-ROM - In and Out of the Classroom (Acrobat (PDF) 230kB Jun12 04) (Tekla Harms, Amherst College).
- L1E Composite session on fracture experiments with the following 6 short presentations:
- Fracturing Demonstration Using a Hydraulic Press (Microsoft Word 464kB Jun12 04)(Jamie Harris, Millsaps College).
- Joint Development in Jello and Plaster (Microsoft Word 25kB Oct19 04)(Zeshan Ismat, Franklin and Marshall College).
- Conjugate Fractures Form in Clay (Microsoft Word 37kB Jun10 04) (Paul Kelso, Lake Superior State University).
- Testing Anderson's Theory of Faulting: A Physical Experiment (Microsoft Word 5.8MB Oct19 04) (Linda Reinen, Pomona College).
- Cracking and Crumbling: Exploring Mechanisms of Dike Emplacement (Microsoft Word 943kB Jun12 04) (Phillip Resor, Wesleyan University).
- Demonstrating Normal Faults in Sand in a Shoe Box (Microsoft Word 47kB Jun12 04) (Betsy Torrez, Sam Houston State University).
Set 2
75-minute demonstration sessions. Click here to see full descriptions.- L2A Using the Autocorrelation Function in NIH-Image to Define Shape Preferred Orientations in Rocks and on Mars (Acrobat (PDF) 1.3MB Jun12 04) (Cameron Davidson, Carleton College).
- L2B A Primer on the Use of Focal Mechanism Solutions in Analysis of Active Structures (Acrobat (PDF) 1.9MB Jun10 04) (Vince Cronin, Baylor University).
- L2C Evolution of Normal Fault Systems During Progressive Deformation and Sand box Experiments and Thrust Belt Development (Microsoft Word 1.1MB Jun10 04) (Robert Burger, Smith College, and Ron Harris, Brigham Young University).
- L2D Problem-Based Learning (PBL): What it is, a Demonstration, and a Discussion on How to Plan and Implement a PBL Project (PowerPoint 533kB Jun12 04) (Dave Mogk, Montana State University).
- L2E Composite session on the use of analog materials, with the following 6 short presentations:
- Joints in a Cornstarch Analogue (Acrobat (PDF) 25kB Jun10 04) (Juliet Crider, Western Washington University).
- What Controls Rheology? (Microsoft Word 4.1MB Jun12 04) (Dyanna Czeck, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee).
- Play with Your Food (and Other Things Not Allowed in School) (Acrobat (PDF) 33kB Jun12 04) (Vicki Hansen, University of Minnesota, Duluth).
- Getting to the Third Dimension: Play-doh and Other Aids to 3D Flinn Plots (Microsoft Word 32kB Jun10 04) (Carol Ormand, Wittenberg University).
- Shear Fracturing of Yogurt (Microsoft Word 97kB Jun14 04) (Jaime Toro, West Virginia University).
- Using Charleston Chew Candy Bars as an Analog for Rock Rheology (Acrobat (PDF) 314kB Jun10 04) (Arlo Weil, Bryn Mawr College).
Set 3
75-minute demonstration sessions. Click here to see full description of each session.- L3A Potpourri on Assessment (Microsoft Word 22kB Jun14 04) (Michael Williams, University of Massachusetts, Amherst).
- L3B Designing Effective Peer Teaching (Jigsaw) Activities for Structural Geology (Barb Tewksbury, Hamilton College).
- Designing Jigsaw Activities (Microsoft Word 1.5MB Jun12 04)
- Examples of Other Jigsaw Activities (Microsoft Word 5.8MB Nov3 04)
- L3C Mentally Visualizing Large Geologic Structures from Field Observations (Microsoft Word 25kB Jun12 04) (Kim Kastens and Toru Ishikawa, Columbia University).
- L3D Using Interactive Visualizations to Prepare Students for the Field (Acrobat (PDF) 1MB Jun12 04) (Steve Reynolds, Arizona State University).
- L3E Composite session on writing in structural geology courses, with the following 5 short presentations:
- Reading from the Primary Literature (Microsoft Word 39kB Jun12 04) (Cameron Davidson, Carleton College).
- Using Field Lab Write-ups to Develop Observational and Critical Thinking Skills (Microsoft Word 57kB Jun12 04) (Kim Hannula, Fort Lewis College).
- Case Study of a Deformed Region: Writing and Presentation (Microsoft Word 69kB Jun15 04) (Michelle Markley, Mt. Holyoke College).
- Writing and Revising Short Assignments (Microsoft Word 60kB Jun12 04) (Jan Tullis, Brown University).
- Using Written Critiques of Journal Articles to Foster Analytical Thinking (Microsoft Word 158kB Jun12 04) (Steve Wojtal, Oberlin College).
Short Demonstration Sessions
Set 1
20-minute demonstration sessions. Click here to see full description of each session.- S1A Effective Ways of Integrating Rock Samples into Structural Geology Lectures (Microsoft Word 28kB Jun12 04) (Dave West, Middlebury College).
- S1B Concept Sketches: Using Student-Generated Annotated Sketches for Learning, Teaching, and Assessment (Microsoft Word 3.5MB Jun14 04) (Steve Reynolds, Arizona State University, and Barb Tewksbury, Hamilton College).
- S1C Rock of the Week (Microsoft Word 29kB Jun14 04) (Mike Williams, University of Massachusetts, Amherst).
- S1D Analog Model of an Accretionary Prism (Microsoft Word 27kB Jun12 04) (Jan Tullis, Brown University).
Set 2
20-minute demonstration sessions. Click here to see full description of each session.- S2A Guided-Discovery Activities for Teaching Stress and Strain (Microsoft Word 1.4MB Jun12 04) (Ann Bykerk-Kauffman, California State University, Chico).
- S2B Association of Normal Faults with Large Scale Structures: Case Study of the Evolution of the Main Ethiopian Rift Valley (Ashenafi Tegene, Mekelle University, Ethiopia).
- S2C (Relatively) Painless Stress Tensors (Acrobat (PDF) 1.6MB Oct19 04) (Colin Shaw, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire).
Set 3
20-minute demonstration sessions. Click here to see full description of each session.- S3A Insights into the 3-D Geometry of Thrust Belts Using X-ray Tomography of Sandbox Experiments (Microsoft Word 81kB Jun14 04) (Jaime Toro, West Virginia State University).
- S3B Building Effective Case Studies from the Geologic Literature (Microsoft Word 6MB Jun12 04) (Barb Tewksbury, Hamilton College).
- S3C Analysis of Sidewalk Fractures (Microsoft Word 26kB Jun12 04) (Charlie Onasch, Bowling Green State University).
Field trip documents
- Example of field trip departmental standard operating procedure (Microsoft Word 25kB Jun10 04)
- Example of field trip field trip policy form for students to sign (Microsoft Word 26kB Jun10 04)
- Example of field trip itinerary and emergency contact form (Microsoft Word 20kB Jun10 04)
- Example of field trip health form (Acrobat (PDF) 5kB Jun10 04)
- Example of field trip report form for injury, accident, or illness (Microsoft Word 21kB Jun10 04)
- Example of field trip liability form (Microsoft Word 27kB Jun10 04)
- Brief Summary of New England (Massachusetts) Geology (Microsoft Word 37kB Jun16 04)
- Figure 1: Tectonic elements of western New England (Acrobat (PDF) 592kB Jun16 04)
- Field Trip Work Plan, Day 1 (Microsoft Word 34kB Jun16 04)
- Figure 2: Topo map for Turner's Falls stop (Acrobat (PDF) 1.2MB Jun16 04)
- Figure 3: Road cut sketch for Turner's Falls stop (Acrobat (PDF) 218kB Jun16 04)
- Figure 4: Road cut sketch for Athol Fault stop (Acrobat (PDF) 343kB Jun16 04)
- Field Trip Work Plan, Day 2 (Microsoft Word 33kB Jun16 04)
- Figure 5: Cross section of Pelham dome (Acrobat (PDF) 563kB Jun16 04)