Geothermal Gradients

through its collaboration with the SERC Pedagogic Service.
In this problem set the students use two different equations to calculate a conductive geothermal gradient using a spreadsheet program like Excel. Once they have the geothermal gradient plotted, they are asked to experiment with and comment on the model by changing parameters (e.g. mantle heat flow, thermal conductivity). There is a mix of specific, fill in the blank questions and open-ended questions. This problem set helps develop quantitative problem solving skills using a spreadsheet as a tool, and forces students to think about thermal constraints during igneous and metamorphic processes.
This exercise is generally used in a required undergraduate petrology course for sophomore or junior level majors.
Skills and concepts that students must have mastered
Students should be familiar with how to use Excel. They should also have a basic understanding of mantle heat flow, thermal conductivity, and geothermal gradients.
How the activity is situated in the course
This is a stand alone activity.
Content/concepts goals for this activity
This problem set helps develop quantitative problem solving skills using a spreadsheet as a tool, and forces students to think about thermal constraints during igneous and metamorphic processes.
Higher order thinking skills goals for this activity
Other skills goals for this activity
Description of the activity/assignment
In this problem set the students use two different equations to calculate a conductive geothermal gradient using a spreadsheet program like Excel. Once they have the geothermal gradient plotted, they are asked to experiment with and comment on the model by changing parameters (e.g. mantle heat flow, thermal conductivity). There is a mix of specific, fill in the blank questions and open-ended questions. This problem set helps develop quantitative problem solving skills using a spreadsheet as a tool, and forces students to think about thermal constraints during igneous and metamorphic processes.
Determining whether students have met the goals
Students have met the goals for this activity if they successfully complete the problem set problems.
More information about assessment tools and techniques.Teaching materials and tips
- Activity Description/Assignment (Acrobat (PDF) 24kB Jun26 03)
- Solution Set (Excel 58kB Jun26 03)
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