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Building Strong Geoscience Departments
On the Cutting Edge - Building Strong Geoscience Departments managed by NAGT Workshops Developing Pathways to Strong Geoscience Programs for the Future Defining Strong Departments Characteristics of Strong ...

Geoscience at the University of Minnesota part of Degree Programs:Department Profiles
Overview and Context × The University of Minnesota is one of the nation's largest schools, with more than 68,000 undergraduate, graduate, and professional students distributed between the flagship ...

Advancing By Retreating part of Department Heads and Chairs
A faculty retreat can be an effective yet daring way to address difficult issues that arise in academic departments. Whether the issues deal with developing a hiring plan, restructuring curricula, or coping with ...

Logic Models part of Degree Programs
This web page was written by Carol Ormand. In terms of articulating your outputs, outcomes, and impacts, begin with the impacts you want to achieve, and work your way back toward outputs. The impacts are your ...

SWOT Analysis part of Degree Programs
× This web page was written by Carol Ormand. A SWOT analysis is a tool that originated in the business world (Learned et al., 1969) but is useful for any kind of strategic planning. It's a relatively ...

Matrix Approaches to Program and Curriculum Design part of Degree Programs
Mapping program learning outcomes and course activities in a matrix provides a rich graphical portrait of program content and can be used as a starting point for program assessment. Geology departments at several ...

Ideal Student Exercise part of Degree Programs
× This exercise asks faculty members to write a recommendation letter for the ideal student graduating from their department. What skills, knowledge, experiences, and values should they have been exposed to ...

Applied Meteorology Program, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University-Prescott part of Degree Programs:Curriculum Profiles
Information for this profile was provided by Dorothea Ivanova, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University-Prescott. Information is also available on the program website. Students in this program are pursuing a bachelors ...

Course profile: Environmental Geology part of Degree Programs:Courses
University of North Carolina Wilmington Entry level environmental geology course, 31-70 students Information for this profile was provided by John Huntsman in 2007. Jump down to Overview and Context * Course ...

Criteria for Success part of Defining Strong Departments
This list of indicators of successful programs and assessment strategies was developed by participants at the 2005 workshop on Developing Pathways to Strong Departments for the Future. While no single indicator ...

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