Teaching Climate Change: Insight from Large Lakes

June 19-20, 2012
At the Large Lakes Observatory and the Department of Geological Sciences
at the University of Minnesota Duluth

Playa Lake
This workshop has already taken place.

This workshop will be held in conjunction with the AMQUA Biennial Meeting and is co-sponsored by the U.S. National Committee for the International Union for Quaternary Research and the American Quaternary Association .

In this workshop, we will introduce participants to an array of data that can be gathered from large lakes and used to study past climates and predict future climate changes. We will review how these data are are collected, analyzed, and interpreted. The workshop will provide hands-on opportunities to examine cores and historic images and use public-domain databases to develop classroom teaching exercises. It will also include an optional field trip that combines a tour of working core and research labs with a cruise on Lake Superior on the research vessel Blue Heron.

Read the workshop overview |View the workshop program

Workshop Conveners

Steve Colman, University of Minnesota Duluth
Karin Kirk, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College
Rolfe Mandel, University of Kansas
Alison Smith, Kent State University
Ester Sztein, Board on International Scientific Organizations, National Academy of Sciences
Katryn Wiese, Department of Earth Sciences, City College of San Francisco
Greg Wiles, The College of Wooster
Logo for the U.S. National Committee for the International Union for Quaternary Research (USNC-INQUA) This workshop is part of the On the Cutting Edge professional development program for current and future geoscience faculty, supported by the National Association of Geoscience Teachers with funding provided by a grant from the National Science Foundation - Division of Undergraduate Education . Additional support is provided by the American Quaternary Association and the U.S. National Committee for Quaternary Research . This workshop was built upon prior workshops, including Teaching Climate Change from the Geologic Record, Teaching Climate Change with Ice Core Data and Teaching Climate Change: Lessons from the Past.

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