How Fast is fast food?

Babasola Ogunsanya, Montgomery College, Mathematics
Author Profile


Students will be working in groups of three to research the nutritional content of meals on the menu list of various fast food restaurants. They will analyze the nutritional content and present their findings in tabular, graphical and written forms. Students will then use google slide (or power point) present their findings inform of a TED talk format to the class.

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Learning Goals

Many students constantly hear about of the dangers of some menu on the fast food menu list, but in most instances, they do not correlate the health implication of the content of the food. This activity allows them to research the nutritional content of various fast food menus. When participating in this research students will be able to:
  • Reason abstractly & Quantitatively
  • Construct viable arguments & critique others
  • Model with mathematics
  • Look for and make use of structure
This activity prepares students to:
  • prove their knowledge on statistics through a real-world project
  • identify the different types of correlation (no, positive, negative)
  • describe if a relationship exists between the x and y axis (causation)
  • identify the line of best fit

Context for Use

The content of the project depends on how it is used. It varies from early part of Algebra 1, High School Statistics and college statistics. The major component here is the correlation of Algebra, statistical and writing skills.

Description and Teaching Materials

Students will be working in groups of three to research the nutritional content of meals on the menu list of various fast food restaurants. They will analyze the nutritional content and present their findings in tabular, graphical and written forms. Students will then use google slide (or power point) present their findings inform of a TED talk format to the class.
Students Worksheet (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 119kB Aug19 19)
Teacher Note (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 20kB Aug19 19)

Teaching Notes and Tips


Google Slide 20 pts
  • Cover/Title Page (2 slides)
  • How we started/what we did
  • Table- 1 slide
  • Charts - 3 slides
  • Conclusion (4 slides)
  • Carbohydrate: (high/low)
  • Protein:(high/low)
  • Fat: (high/low)
  • My conclusion
(Total Slide: 12 or more)

  • Google Slide 20 pts
  • Google Sheet 14 pts
  • Worksheet and analysis 25 pts
  • Presentation 20 pts

References and Resources