Present at the Earth Educators' Rendezvous in Nashville! Abstract deadline extended to March 13

Initial Publication Date: March 4, 2019
Rendezvous 2019 Bookmark

Dear Colleagues,

We have the summer meeting for you! The Fifth Annual Earth Educators' Rendezvous will be held in Nashville from July 15-19 and co-hosted by Tennessee State and Vanderbilt Universities.

UPDATE: The deadline for submitting an Abstract has been extended to March 13! Why should you submit? Because others will benefit from your research, teaching ideas, and expertise! And what better place to share it than at Rendezvous, which brings together researchers and practitioners working in all aspects of Earth education, including a mix of college faculty, graduate students, and K-12 teachers from all disciplines who are interested in improving their teaching about Earth. Learn more about the program on the Rendezvous website. Click here to submit your Abstract.

Rendezvous 2019 features a combination of workshops, contributed talks and posters, round table discussions, plenary sessions, and working groups discussing a rich mix of topics. This year's Rendezvous provides special opportunities to:

  • Explore techniques for teaching with data and technology
  • Develop teaching strategies for specific courses for K12, intro, and major students
  • Visit a Historically Black University and discuss strengthening the diversity of Earth learners
  • Build ties with Earth Educators who share your interests but have experiences very different than your own

Early Bird Registration deadline is May 1. Fees are reduced for all NAGT Members. Not yet a member of NAGT? Click here to join.

There are multiple opportunities for travel support for the Rendezvous, including participating in the activity review camp ($500 stipend), NGSS tagging camp ($500 stipend), Marine Geology Using GEODE workshop ($1,000 travel award), and general travel stipends ($500).

Want to stay in the loop about the Rendezvous? Sign up to receive timely updates.

We look forward to seeing you this summer in Nashville!

Best regards,

Rendezvous 2019 Conference Chairs:
Caitlin Callahan, Grand Valley State University
Lynsey LeMay, Thomas Nelson Community College

Contributed Program Chairs:
Katherine Ryker, University of South Carolina-Columbia
Ryan Hollister, Turlock High School

Local Hosts:
Reginald Archer, Tennessee State University
Lily Claiborne, Vanderbilt University
Steve Goodbred, Vanderbilt University

For more information on Rendezvous 2019, please contact