Earth Educators' Rendezvous Early Bird Deadline is Less than Two Weeks Away-- May 1, 2018!

Initial Publication Date: April 18, 2018


Dear friends,

The Earth Educators' Rendezvous early bird deadline is just two weeks away! The Rendezvous program includes workshops, 14 round table discussions, 2 plenaries, 2 poster sessions, one concluding town hall and more than 75 contributed presentations/teaching demonstrations/share-a-thons. Please pass along information about this opportunity to your departments and colleagues...this event is not to be missed!

  • If the contributed program inspires you, it's not too late to submit an abstract for a poster that can show how your work contributes to the discussion. The deadline to submit abstracts is May 15.
  • Interested in attending the Earth Educators' Rendezvous, but funding is tight? This year's Rendezvous features opportunities for community members to earn travel assistance by reviewing online materials for NAGT and InTeGrate. The deadline to apply is May 1.