Don't miss this summer's Rendezvous: join a workshop, explore themes, showcase your work!

Initial Publication Date: May 14, 2018


Dear Friends,

The Earth Educators' Rendezvous still has spots in many of the high-quality morning workshops. AND, it is not too late to share your teaching or research highlights by submitting a poster or share-a-thon presentation, as the deadline has been extended to Sunday, June 3.

Check out the program highlights, including 2​6 workshops, 1​4 round table discussions, 2 plenaries, 2 poster sessions, one concluding town hall and more than ​75 contributed presentations/teaching demonstrations​/share-a-thon presentations​. Morning workshops are filling, so now is the time to register!

The Rendezvous' combination of single and multi-day workshops, posters, talks, teaching demonstrations, round table discussions, and plenary presentations is designed to help guide participants through a suite of interrelated challenges that are characteristic of earth education in schools, colleges, and universities today. Programming is set up to be flexible to different schedules – join us for 2 days, 3 days, or all week!

Interested in a particular topic or theme? The Rendezvous programming features themes to match your interests and build experience around. For example:

  • Are you new to teaching or trying to revamp or reenergize your current courses?
    Whether you're a student interested in earth education or a seasoned earth educator, the Rendezvous offers opportunities to learn new teaching strategies, prepare for a career in the geosciences, as well as develop students' competency in a range of geoscientific tasks that involve higher order skills such as systems thinking, data analysis and quantitative skills. For more from the program including numerous round table discussions, poster and oral sessions, search under the Professional Development for Undergrads, Grads, and Faculty theme.
  • Interested in learning more about interdisciplinary teaching and learning?
    The Rendezvous offers opportunities throughout the week that draws on an integration of methods and analytical frameworks from more than one academic discipline to examine a theme, issue, question or topic. Explore activities such as integrating climate change across the curriculum, collaborative learning while building community, and strategies in data collection and analysis. Browse the breadth and depth of the Rendezvous program to learn more about interdisciplinary teaching and learning.
  • Are you working to increase and support diversity in the geosciences?
    Broadening participation is a priority for the geosciences. The Earth Educators' Rendezvous includes programming on topics such as implicit bias, mitigating the achievement gap, developing culturally responsive pathways to geoscience careers, mentoring, and connecting teaching about the Earth to societal issues. For more from the program including numerous workshops, round table discussions, poster and oral sessions, search under the Recruiting, Retention and Diversity theme.
  • Are you a K-12 Educator?
    Check out the Rendezvous Programming for K12 Educators page including morning workshops, afternoon mini workshops, round table discussions, and poster and oral sessions that include K-12 teachers as part of their intended audience. From communicating science to the general public, to utilizing Google Earth and drones in the classroom or connecting weather and climate to Laura Ingalls Wilder, the Rendezvous provides opportunities to connect with your K-12 colleagues and interact with other K-20 Earth science educators.
  • Are you interested in strengthening your students' civic engagement? your communities' resilience? motivating and sustaining interest in geoscience in a wider population of students?
    These ideas come together in EarthConnections Geoscience Pathways. At this year's Rendezvous, you can learn how geoscience educators and communities are working together to engage students in addressing local priorities; discuss how isolated educational opportunities can be transformed into continuous educational pathways; and become a founding member of the EarthConnections Alliance working to create a world a world in which all students can travel along educational pathways toward meaningful careers while linking geoscience learning with opportunities to serve their local community. Submit a poster or share-a-thon presentation today to showcase how your work links geoscience learning and civic engagement.

    Earth Connections Events and Activities by day:


    1:30-4:00 EarthConnections Oral Session

    4:30-5:45 Earth Education Forum - Moving from Learning Opportunities to Learning Pathways: Guiding students toward geoscience careers


    3:00-4:14 Round Table Discussions

    Building Partnerships on Campus and Beyond: Collaboration strategies and success stories

    Mentoring Practices

    4:30-5:45 Plenary Talk: Beverly Wright, professor of Sociology and Founding Director of Deep South Center for Environmental Justice


    1:30-4:00 Afternoon Mini Workshop: Supporting Successful Transitions: Principles for Students of All Ages

    4:30-5:45 EarthConnections Poster Session

    7:00-8:30 EarthConnections Alliance Open Meeting

    EarthConnections Alliance Open Meeting: The EarthConnections Alliance seeks to catalyze a new approach to geoscience education in communities across our country, creating a world in which all students can travel along geo-educational pathways that begin in their early education and continue through college and end in meaningful careers while linking geoscience learning with opportunities to serve their local community. Much work is currently taking place in individual communities and projects to move toward this vision. Participants in this open meeting will discuss how they can work together to support and expand this work. We invite participation by those who have already begun to link geoscience learning to community service at any level, as well as those who are just developing interest.

The Rendezvous benefits from bringing together multiple perspective including from all backgrounds and institutional types, including graduate students, post-docs, adjunct faculty, early career faculty, tenured faculty, K-12 educators, and all who are interested in teaching and learning about the Earth. Check out the full program of events and we hope to see you in Lawrence this summer!