Webinar: Fostering Social Connections with Students while Teaching Online

Friday, May 8, 2020

1:00pm PT | 2:00pm MT | 3:00pm CT | 4:00pm ET

How do we maintain that sense of a learning community now that we have shifted to remote teaching and learning? For most students part of the educational and learning experience is the sense of belonging in a learning community. How do we maintain that sense of a learning community now that we have shifted to remote teaching and learning? Bring your favorite beverage and join in to learn about examples, and share your own examples with the ESA community and to listen directly from students. Hosted by: Jorge Ramos, PhD., Stanford University

Hosted by: Ecological Society of America

For more information: https://esa.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwpd--hqTIiHtxQoafYX9hNs0k-qglp674h