Resources for Investigative Cases

Online Resources for Cases in Science
- LifeLines OnLine: Environmental Science/Ecology Cases ( This site may be offline. ) - Sim-Bio 2: Modeling and Simulation with Biosphere 2 Scenarios (more info) - National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science: Clearinghouse for Case Studies in Science ( This site may be offline. ) - Problem-Based Learning Clearinghouse (more info) : A collection of problems and articles to assist educators in using problem-based learning.
Online Resources for Problem Based Learning:
- National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science - Planet special edition on PBL in the geo and earth sciences. Several excellent background articles and several on classroom implementations ( (link broken).
- University of Delaware Problem Based Learning (more info) - Problem-based Learning Network at IMSA: a clearinghouse of information about PBL in undergraduate and professional education as well as for peer reviewed instruction of Problem-Based Learning - Maastricht PBL-site: Problem-Based Learning Links - The PBLI is a group of teachers and researchers involved in PBL and active in faculty educational development at Southern Illinois University. (more info) - Journal of Chemical Education: About Teaching with Problems and Case Studies (more info)
Online Resources for Case-Based Learning with Calculus:
- Project CALC: Calculus As a Laboratory Course (more info) - Case Studies in Calculus (more info) ] - Reform Calculus Resources - Visual Calculus ( This site may be offline. ) - QR: Case Studies in Quantitative Reasoning ( This site may be offline. )
Case Based Learning References
- The Tutorial Experience: A survival guide. Altebara et al., 1987 (citation and description)
- Problem-Based Learning. Barrow and Tamblyn, 1980 (citation and description)
- BioQUEST Library IV (on CD-ROM). BioQUEST Consortium, 2001 The BioQUEST Library is a peer-reviewed collection of software modules assembled to help students learn biology in a computer-based laboratory environment. (citation and description)
- Situated cognition and the culture of learning. Brown et al., 1989 The authors challenge the common notion that what is learned and how it is learned and used are separate. (citation and description)
- Teaching and the Case Method. Christensen and Hansen, 1987 Teaching and the Case Method delves into the special role of teacher and students in the case method learning process. Schools that want to use the case method more effectively can use this book to teach groups of faculty how to apply case method techniques. For the first time, too, a book about case method teaching attempts to show how the method can be applied in a liberal arts setting. A liberal arts module in the book presents an innovative program for instructors who want to experiment with discussion teaching in traditional arts and science areas. The book focuses on a wide range of knotty problems faced by most instructors, experienced or new, creating an opportunity for them to learn from each other. Its main purpose is to provide a rich opportunity for both professional school and liberal arts instructors to develop their own discussion leadership skills, and to further the process of learning for both themselves and their students. (citation and description)
- Tools for Teaching. Davis, 1993 A rich compendium of classroom-tested strategies and suggestions designed to improve the teaching practices of all college instructors, including beginning, mid-career, and senior faculty members. (citation and description)
- Crossing the Chasm of Curricular Reform: BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium Invites CAL-laboration. Jungck et al., 2000 This article highlights the accomplishments of the BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium and lays out their vision and plans for overcoming the implementation lag between the early converts to curricular reform and the rest of the education community. (citation and description)
- Andragogy in Action: Applying Modern Principles of Adult Learning. Knowles, 1984 This work by a pioneer in the field of adult learning provides over thirty case examples from a variety of settings illustrating andragogy (principles of adult learning) in practice. (citation and description)
- McKeachie's Teaching Tips : Strategies, Research, and Theory for College and University Teachers. McKeachie et al., 1994 McKeachie's Teaching Tips provides helpful strategies for dealing with both the everyday problems of university teaching and those that arise in trying to maximize learning for every student. (citation and description)
- How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School. NRC, 2000 This book, available from the National Academy Press, is written to provide educators with an understanding of research results on how people learn and their ramifications for classroom instruction. (Full Text Online)
- Shaping the Future: New Expectations for Undergraduate Education in Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology (NSF 96-139). NSF, 1996 This report provides guidelines for more effective use of the investments made by individuals, organizations, and agencies seeking to improve undergraduate education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). (Full Text Online)
- Problem-Posing, Problem-Solving, and Persuasion in Biology. Peterson and Jungck, 1998 This article is about how computers and a new pedagogy can increase the importance of content-based, problem-solving learning in biology. (citation and description)
- Problem-Based Learning: rationale and description. Schmidt, 1983 (citation and description)
- Souvenirs: Investigating a disease outbreak. Shagram et al., 2003 (citation and description)
- Learning with Investigative Cases: A scenario. Stanley and Waterman, 1998 (citation and description)
- Lifelines Online - Curriculum and Strategies for Adult Learners: Integrating Information Technology with Problem-Solving Pedagogies. Stanley and Waterman, 2000 This article describes the need to emphasize successful adult learning strategies, specifically problem-based learning, in biology at two-year colleges. (citation and description)
- The farmer and the gene: A case approach to bt corn. Stanley and Waterman, 2003 (citation and description)
- Problem-based learning: as authentic as it gets. Stephien and Gallagher, 1993 The Center for Problem-Based Learning and the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy have developed problem-based learning units which aim to enhance students' achievement and motivation. (citation and description)
- Problem-based learning: Redefining self-directed instruction and learning. Stover, 1998 This article is a description of Problem Based Learning and its impacts on retention and the trasferability of learning from one class or endeavor to another. (citation and description)
- New Pathways to Medical Education: Learning to Learn at Harvard Medical School. Testeson et al., 1994 (citation and description)
- A Science-in-the-Making Course for Non-Science Majors. Tolman, 1999 This article outlines projects that, in a broad context, use the inquiry method to facilitate teaching the scientific method to nonscience majors in Portland State University's Natural Science Inquiry (NSI) classes. (citation and description)
- LifeLines OnLine: Investigative Case Based Learning for 21st Century Learners. Waterman and Stanley, 2000 This paper describes investigative case based learning (ICBL) strategies suitable for addressing the preferences and needs of adult college students. (citation and description)
- Investigative case study approach for biology learning. Waterman, 1998 This paper gives background on the investigative case study approach for biology, a variant of problem-based learning. (citation and description)
- Citrus canker: Alternatives for control. Weinland et al., 2003 (citation and description)
- Problem-Based Learning: One approach to increasing student participation. Wilkerson and Feletti, 1989 (citation and description)