Pedagogies of Engagement: Resource Collections

The Pedagogic Collection

Each of the modules listed below describe a pedagogy of engagement: a method of teaching that focuses on student-faculty contact, co-operation among students, and the active engagement of students in the learning process.

  • Calibrated Peer Review is web-based management of writing with peer review in classes of any size.
  • Cooperative Learning involves students working in groups to accomplish learning goals.
  • Interactive Lectures engage students with course material through short individual, pair, or small-group activities.
  • Investigative Case-Based Learning involves students in addressing real world problems.
  • Just-in-Time Teaching gets students to read assigned material outside of class, respond to short questions online, then participate in discussion and collaborative exercises in the following class period.
  • Peer-Led Team Learning engages teams of six to eight students in learning sciences, mathematics and other undergraduate disciplines guided by a peer leader. Peer leaders are drawn from the pool of students who have done well in the course previously.
  • Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) is a research based learning environment where students are actively engaged in mastering course content and in developing essential skills by working in self-managed teams on guided inquiry activities.
  • SCALE-UP is a Student-Centered Active Learning Environment for Undergraduate Programs.

You can also browse through the collection of activities that make use of these pedagogies. These activities have been documented by faculty who used them in their classes and are ready to implement in your classroom.

This portion of the PKAL website supports the Pedagogies of Engagement project and developed in collaboration with the Pedagogy in Action teaching collection and the Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College.

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