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Results 1 - 10 of 76 matches
Teaching Scientific Certainty: Climate Change and Impact on Biodiversity part of Integrate:Program Design:InTeGrate Program Models:Gustavus Adolphus:Teaching Activities
The goal of this module, developed at Gustavus Adolphus College for the InTeGrate project, is to introduce college students to the general concepts of scientific theory versus facts, scientific certainty and the role experts particularly in the context of climate change. The module also focuses on a recent paper discussing climate departure, and its impact on human society and biodiversity.
Introduction to Carbonate Equilibrium part of Hydrogeology:Hydrogeology, Soils, Geochemistry 2013:Activities
The activity asks students to make observations about what occurs when two effervescent antacid tablets are placed into a beaker of water. The Students work together in groups. There are three parts to the ...
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What is it? part of Structural Geology and Tectonics:Structure, Geophysics, and Tectonics 2012:Activities
This classroom activity involves students interpreting geologic structures presented in photos during lecture. Photos are shown either after topics or towards the end of class and one student is called upon to ...
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Geologic Puzzles: Morrison Formation part of Examples
Images of faulted strata, tilted turbidites, and beach rocks bring the field into the classroom, giving students practice in doing what geoscientists do. These images are examples of geologic puzzles.
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Hotspot Lesson: Mantle Plumes part of ERESE:ERESE Activities
This lesson introduces the theory of mantle plumes and possible ways of finding evidence to support the theory.
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Using An M&M Magma Chamber To Illustrate Magmatic Differentiation part of Petrology:Teaching Examples
Fractional crystallization by gravity settling can be illustrated using a model magma chamber consisting of M&M's®. In this model, each major cation (e.g., Si, Ti, Al, Fe, Mg, Ca, Na, K) is ...
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Carbon Dioxide Exercise part of Examples
Students work in groups, plotting carbon dioxide concentrations over time on overheads and estimating the rate of change over five years.
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Hotspot Lesson: Hotspot Theory and Plate Velocities part of ERESE:ERESE Activities
This activity provides the students with a data set of ages of some of the Hawaiian Volcanoes and seamounts and how far they are from the active volcanism (considered to be the location of the hotspot). By plotting the data on a graph and fitting the data with a line of best fit, the plate velocity can be estimated by taking the slope of the line.
Magma Viscosity Demos part of Examples
This is an interactive lecture where students answer questions about demonstrations shown in several movie files. They learn to connect what they have learned about molecules, phases of matter, silicate crystal structures, and igneous rock classification with magma viscosity, and to connect magma viscosity with volcano explosiveness and morphology.
Using PhET simulations in a large lecture class – The Photoelectric Effect part of Pedagogy in Action:Library:PhET Interactive Science Simulations:Examples
This activity provides a complete curriculum for teaching the photoelectric effect using the PhET Photoelectric Effect simulation in a large-lecture modern physics course. It includes links to powerpoint slides for two to three 50-minute lectures using Peer Instruction with clickers, and one homework assignment suitable for an online homework system. Research has demonstrated that students in classes using this curriculum have a better understanding of the photoelectric effect than students in classes using traditional instruction supplemented by a computerized tutor.