Procedure for measuring flow rate (discharge) in a channel, river, creek or stream

Kirk Barrett, Manhattan College
Initial Publication Date: August 23, 2022


Explains a detailed procedure for measuring flow rate (discharge) in a small (wadable) channel, river, creek or stream using a propeller-type current meter as wells as surface floats. It includes instructions for analyzing and plotting data. Also includes a field data sheet.

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Learning Goals

Learning goals include
1. how stream flow is measured
2. how to collect data in the field.
3. How to organize and present data

Context for Use

Used as a field activity in an introductory course.
If there is a USGS gauge nearby, its instructive to compare
the results with that.

Description and Teaching Materials

Procedure for measuring flow rate (Microsoft Word 453kB Jan7 16)

Teaching Notes and Tips

Takes about 1 to 1.5 hours to measure two cross sections in a stream about 10m wide.
The procedure can be explained beforehand in class or in the field.


References and Resources