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GIS Activities
Resource Type: Activities Show all
- Biology 18 matches
- Chemistry 5 matches
- Computer Science 1 match
- Economics 1 match
- Education 8 matches
- Engineering 4 matches
- English 1 match
- Environmental Science 157 matches
- Geography 61 matches
- Geoscience 511 matches
- Health Sciences 1 match human health topics
- Mathematics 3 matches
- Physics 3 matches
- Psychology 1 match
- Social Science 1 match
- Sociology 4 matches
Results 21 - 30 of 587 matches
Climate Change and Atlantic Hurricanes: A GIS Inquiry
Chris Van de Ven, Albion College
Students make hypotheses about how hurricane numbers, locations, or intensities have been changing, and then use hurricane tracks, wind speed, barometric pressure, and dates to test their hypotheses.
Introduction to GIS
Tim Walsh, Wayland Baptist University
Tim Walsh, Wayland Baptist University Summary After meeting in a large conference room for introductory comments student then move to another classroom. Students are directed to map, catalog and give spatial ...
Introduction to Basic GIS Skills
Chad Heinzel, University of Northern Iowa
Chad Heinzel, University of Northern Iowa Summary Develops basic GIS skills, directs students to other shapefiles (on-campus and off), sets the stage for adding additional class/campus data later in the semester. ...
Assessing the Risk of Invasive Species Using Community Science Data
Matthew Heard, Belmont University
This module introduces students who are already familiar with GIS to doing comparative analyses with large-scale community science (often called citizen science) data sets. Students will explore how we can use ...
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Mapping Glacial Erratics with GPS and GIS
Katherine McCarville, Upper Iowa University
Katherine McCarville, Upper Iowa University Summary Students create a map of glacial erratics (in Northeast Iowa, although you could do this wherever you have glacial deposits). The activity uses local geology, ...
Mapping your Neighborhood
Abu Badruddin, Cayuga County Community College
Application of GIS in identifying environmental justice in your neighborhood.
Interpreting the surficial deposits of Glacier National Park, Montana
Carol Ormand Ph.D., Carleton College
Students interpret a GIS map of surficial deposits in Glacier National Park to unravel a bit of the glacial history of the park.
Unit 5: Case Study Group Work-Spatial Data Investigation
Rebecca Boger, Brooklyn College, CUNY; Russanne Low, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies; Amy Potter, Armstrong State University
Unit 5 will delve more into an examination of food security using online ArcGIS. The class begins with a GIS-based exploration of data available for the three regions. The rest of the class period is provided for ...
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Unit 3: Develop and Test Models of Landslide Susceptibility
Bobak Karimi (Wilkes University)
Stephen Hughes (University of Puerto Rico–Mayaguez)
How do geoscientists confidently create landslide susceptibility maps based on empirical data? Together with Unit 2: Examining the Distribution of Mass Wasting Events, this exercise helps students use GIS to gain ...
Tutorials for Introducing ArcGIS into Introductory Geoscience Courses
Barb Tewksbury, Hamilton College
Three sequential modular exercises introduce geoscience students to the power of GIS and give them experience with the kinds of GIS raster image analysis tasks commonly used by geoscientists. You might also be ...