Workshop Planning Process

This page provides a hypothetical worked example of how a workspace can be used to plan a workshop.

Timeline Goals

  1. Confirm expectations and negotiate dates/length/focus
    Our budget allows for 30 participants and 4 leaders.
    Workshop dates will be September 16-18, and we have been confirmed at ABC University for those dates.
    Workshop focus: develop a set of best practices and a collection of activities around teaching about risk and resilience using natural disasters and with real data.
  2. Discuss workshop goals and collect needed information to develop program
    Goals of the workshop are to: (1) create a set of undergraduate-level activities that use real data and real-world cases to teach about risk and resilience, (2) bring together a set of educators, policy-makers, and emergency services personnel to share expertise on what is needed to prepare students to make good decisions and for the workforce
  3. Discuss any needed pre-workshop communications with/among leaders and participants and determine when/how they will happen
  4. Set up virtual workspace, confirm logistics of workshop (location, internet access, supplies)
  5. Assign homework and finalize program before workshop

After Application Deadlines

Have SERC staff or a designated leader monitor the application queue. After deadlines, and at other appropriate times, organize a call of among leaders to discuss and approve/deny the applications (this can also be done through email). Designate someone to send out acceptance notices with any preliminary information available.

Following Acceptance

Acceptance notifications are sent. Facilitators are found for each new workshop and initial contact is made with the workshop host. See the communications guide for more information on workshop planning.

2-3 months ahead of workshop:

Workshop dates, length and focus should be determined at this point. Work continues on specific agenda items, gathering department/program/courses information and determining attendance.

3-4 weeks ahead:

The draft workshop agenda should be settled at this point. Work continues to get the agenda finalized and the workspace completed.

  • Send workshop summary to the email list
  • If there were issues or realizations at the workshop that all workshop leaders should be aware of, please make sure you add notes to the facilitators' workspace. If you are not sure where best to add your note (or change), please work with the SERC Web Team.
  • Send a thank-you message to the participants with a reminder about the End-of-Workshop Evaluation