Initial Publication Date: March 16, 2015
SERC has an extensive portfolio of projects that have been created, developed, and implemented in collaboration with many partners. Learn more about many of our current and past projects using the browse below.
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Project Focus
- Career Support for Educators 1 match Focus on supporting educators in their careers. This includes pre-service and in-service professional development for k-12 teachers, support for college educators aimed at different career stages and elements like leadership development.
- Changing Education Systems 6 matches Focus on how to make positive change in education systems. This includes departmental change, institutional change, as well as other systemic change across institutions and disciplines.
- Connecting STEM Research to Education 4 matches Focuses on bringing current STEM research practice and knowledge into education. This includes research experiences for student such as field work, CURE's and summer research experiences (like REU's). It also includes strategies and resources for bringing current research literature, practices and knowledge into the classroom and informal science communication.
- Disciplinary Skills and Habits of Mind 4 matches Focuses on developing students' ability to think and act with disciplinary expertise. This encompasses concepts like systems thinking, quantitative reasoning, field-based learning, spatial and temporal thinking, data visualization and manipulation.
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice 3 matches Focuses on one or more dimensions of diversity, equity, inclusion, justice (DEIJ). This encompasses a wide range of topics including anti-racism, accessibility, ethics, and broadening access to education.
- Engaging Students with Communities 2 matches Focus on connecting students and education processes with broader communities and civic issues.
- Interdisciplinary Grand Challenges 4 matches Focus on grand challenge problems that require multiple disciplinary strategies. This includes issues like climate change and the interconnected issues of food, energy and water. The solutions integrate STEM-informed approaches as well as wisdom from the social sciences, arts, humanities and other ways of knowing.
- Network and Community Building 4 matches Focus on supporting the development and nurturing of networks of individuals. This includes community visioning efforts, supporting communities of practices, and understanding and supporting the growth of networks.
- Pedagogy and Teaching Approaches 10 matches Focuses on one or more dimensions of how educational experiences are structured. This encompass topics such as curriculum design, informal education strategies, universal design for learning, and specific classroom approaches. It includes both educational research and applied practice. (Includes simple materials development.)
- Supporting Student Success 1 match Focus on how to support students across their full education career. This includes fundamental educational access issues, attending to the whole student, academic and professional skill development, and facilitating the transition from education to career and citizenship.
- Community Building/Organization 3 matches A focus on activities that create a sense of community amongst project participants. This can include groups such as communities of practice, professional organizations, and research coordination networks.
- Content Expertise 7 matches A focus on SERC staff writing disciplinary content for a project. Many SERC staff members have advanced degrees and all can contribute a wide range of content knowledge to projects.
- Education Research 2 matches A focus on facilitating or conducting research on what works in the STEM classroom across a variety of levels and contexts. Project foci include student assessment, spatial reasoning, teaching and learning practices, influence of professional development, influence of open education internet resources, influence of Communities of Practice, and levers of change in higher education.
- Evaluation 5 matches SERC has deep experience in utilization-focused, evidence-based program evaluation. This can include a wide variety of methodologies, evaluation planning, and capacity building for project teams.
- Event Development/Facilitation 11 matches A focus on planning, organizing, and supporting in-person or virtual events as part of a project's activities. This can include logistical support, program development, session facilitation, and all other aspects of running successful events.
- Materials Development/Review 8 matches A focus on supporting the creation of new pedagogic materials addressing some specific content area, pedagogic need, or educator audience. This can include aspects such as the technical infrastructure to support authoring, management of author teams, and facilitating expert review prior to publishing.
- Organizational Backbone 5 matches A focus on providing administrative services for partner organizations. This can include aspects such as membership management, accounts payable/receivable, and intra-organization communications.
- Product Dissemination 12 matches A focus on helping publicize and raise awareness of the outcomes, products, and findings of project work. This can include activities such as presentations at professional meetings, writing manuscripts, running webinars, and writing press releases.
- Professional Development 3 matches A focus on putting together opportunities for project participants to learn new skills or content related to the goals of the project. This can include activities such as synchronous or asynchronous events, self-paced materials, and creating an enduring record of activities for use after the end of project funding.
- Project Lead (PI/Co-PI) 6 matches SERC has a primary leadership function on this project. One or more SERC staff members direct the work of the project.
- Project Management/Implementation 5 matches A focus on ensuring that project work moves forward in a timely fashion. This can include activities such as scheduling regular meetings, providing deadlines and reminders for project personnel, and maintaining records of discussions and project decisions in a centralized space.
- Strategic Planning and Thought Partnership 5 matches A focus on SERC staff assisting project leadership with designing activities to meet the goals they set for the project. This can involve activities such as grant writing and visioning, participation in project leadership, providing exemplars from past projects, and contributing lessons learned from SERC's collective experience.
- Website Hosting and Development 20 matches A focus on providing the technical infrastructure and support for a project's website. This can include activities such as creating new SERCkit tools, development of website architecture, and design of the website's look and feel.
Grade Level Show all
High School (9-12)
21 matches
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High School (9-12)
Results 11 - 20 of 21 matches
The EarthConnections collective impact alliance developed regionally focused, education pathways that support students in locally relevant, Earth-science. SERC is the lead on this project.
The EarthConnections collective impact alliance developed regionally focused, education pathways that support students in locally relevant, Earth-science. SERC is the lead on this project.
Project Focus: Network and Community Building , Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, Changing Education Systems
SERC Role: Evaluation, Community Building/Organization, Project Management/Implementation, Project Lead (PI/Co-PI), Organizational Backbone, Website Hosting and Development, Content Expertise:Geoscience, Event Development/Facilitation
SERC Role: Evaluation, Community Building/Organization, Project Management/Implementation, Project Lead (PI/Co-PI), Organizational Backbone, Website Hosting and Development, Content Expertise:Geoscience, Event Development/Facilitation
Know Soil, Know Life Educators Guide
This website is the educator's guide to Soil Society of America's Know Soils Know Life high school/undergraduate textbook. It provides activities, assessments, sequencing guidance and standards information for educator's using the textbook.
This website is the educator's guide to Soil Society of America's Know Soils Know Life high school/undergraduate textbook. It provides activities, assessments, sequencing guidance and standards information for educator's using the textbook.
Project Focus: Pedagogy and Teaching Approaches
SERC Role: Product Dissemination, Website Hosting and Development
SERC Role: Product Dissemination, Website Hosting and Development
EarthScope ANGLE
EarthScope ANGLE (Alaska Native Geoscience Learning Experience) offers educator professional development workshops and helps teach student academies for the Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program (ANSEP). EarthScope ANGLE contributes to increasing Alaskan resilience to geohazards through education and the development of an action-oriented statewide learning community. SERC hosts the website and supports the dissemination of teaching modules.
EarthScope ANGLE (Alaska Native Geoscience Learning Experience) offers educator professional development workshops and helps teach student academies for the Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program (ANSEP). EarthScope ANGLE contributes to increasing Alaskan resilience to geohazards through education and the development of an action-oriented statewide learning community. SERC hosts the website and supports the dissemination of teaching modules.
Project Focus: Connecting STEM Research to Education, Engaging Students with Communities
SERC Role: Website Hosting and Development, Materials Development/Review, Event Development/Facilitation
SERC Role: Website Hosting and Development, Materials Development/Review, Event Development/Facilitation
This website provides a repository of resources and information for faculty from across the disciplines who are seeking to infuse numeracy into their course instruction. SERC supported the authors in developing this website and provide ongoing hosting.
This website provides a repository of resources and information for faculty from across the disciplines who are seeking to infuse numeracy into their course instruction. SERC supported the authors in developing this website and provide ongoing hosting.
Project Focus: Disciplinary Skills and Habits of Mind:Quantitative Skills
SERC Role: Website Hosting and Development, Product Dissemination
SERC Role: Website Hosting and Development, Product Dissemination
Earth Educators Rendezvous
The Earth Educators' Rendezvous is a semi-annual conference featuring a combination of workshops, posters, talks, round-table discussions, field trips, and plenary presentations. SERC manages the conference logistics, supports the conference programming, assist the planning committee, and hosts the conference website.
The Earth Educators' Rendezvous is a semi-annual conference featuring a combination of workshops, posters, talks, round-table discussions, field trips, and plenary presentations. SERC manages the conference logistics, supports the conference programming, assist the planning committee, and hosts the conference website.
Project Focus: Career Support for Educators, Connecting STEM Research to Education, Network and Community Building , Pedagogy and Teaching Approaches
SERC Role: Event Development/Facilitation, Project Management/Implementation, Website Hosting and Development
SERC Role: Event Development/Facilitation, Project Management/Implementation, Website Hosting and Development
Earth Exploration Toolbook
Earth Exploration Toolbook (EET) is a collection of online Earth system science activities. Each activity, or chapter, introduces one or more scientific data sets and analysis tools that enables students to explore some aspect of the Earth system. SERC collaborated on the development of the toolset and curricular structure for this project and host its website.
Earth Exploration Toolbook (EET) is a collection of online Earth system science activities. Each activity, or chapter, introduces one or more scientific data sets and analysis tools that enables students to explore some aspect of the Earth system. SERC collaborated on the development of the toolset and curricular structure for this project and host its website.
Project Focus: Disciplinary Skills and Habits of Mind:Working with Data
SERC Role: Strategic Planning and Thought Partnership, Product Dissemination, Website Hosting and Development:Online Tool Development, Materials Development/Review
SERC Role: Strategic Planning and Thought Partnership, Product Dissemination, Website Hosting and Development:Online Tool Development, Materials Development/Review
Geoscience Education Infrastructure Planning Meeting
This meeting was an opportunity for invited education community members to discuss and make recommendations for the infrastructure that supports the geoscience education community, including the technical platform (Serckit) and the complementary suite of practices spanning from project management to community engagement. The result was a synthesis report that reflects the discussions and highlights a set of consensus recommendations.
This meeting was an opportunity for invited education community members to discuss and make recommendations for the infrastructure that supports the geoscience education community, including the technical platform (Serckit) and the complementary suite of practices spanning from project management to community engagement. The result was a synthesis report that reflects the discussions and highlights a set of consensus recommendations.
Project Focus: Network and Community Building
SERC Role: Project Lead (PI/Co-PI), Event Development/Facilitation
SERC Role: Project Lead (PI/Co-PI), Event Development/Facilitation
EarthLabs provides a national model for engaging k-12 Earth and environmental science labs. Multiple units illustrate sequences for learning science concepts through data analysis activities and hands-on experiments. SERC designed the website structure that supports both students and instructors and hosts this heavily used set of materials.
EarthLabs provides a national model for engaging k-12 Earth and environmental science labs. Multiple units illustrate sequences for learning science concepts through data analysis activities and hands-on experiments. SERC designed the website structure that supports both students and instructors and hosts this heavily used set of materials.
Project Focus: Pedagogy and Teaching Approaches, Disciplinary Skills and Habits of Mind:Working with Data
SERC Role: Product Dissemination, Evaluation, Materials Development/Review, Website Hosting and Development, Content Expertise:Accessibility, Pedagogy
SERC Role: Product Dissemination, Evaluation, Materials Development/Review, Website Hosting and Development, Content Expertise:Accessibility, Pedagogy
Microbial Life
This project aimed to provide a contemporary resource of expert information about the ecology, diversity and evolution of micro-organisms as well as common research techniques used in the field for students, K-12 teachers, university faculty, as well as for the general public. It was a collaborative project of the Marine Biology Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, and Montana State University, Bozeman, MT.
This project aimed to provide a contemporary resource of expert information about the ecology, diversity and evolution of micro-organisms as well as common research techniques used in the field for students, K-12 teachers, university faculty, as well as for the general public. It was a collaborative project of the Marine Biology Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, and Montana State University, Bozeman, MT.
Project Focus: Connecting STEM Research to Education, Pedagogy and Teaching Approaches
SERC Role: Website Hosting and Development, Materials Development/Review, Content Expertise:Geoscience
SERC Role: Website Hosting and Development, Materials Development/Review, Content Expertise:Geoscience
Teach the Earth
Teach the Earth is a portal to a broad range of Earth education materials. Originally developed by SERC as a central access point to the materials of its hosted projects, it is now operated in coordination with the National Association of Geoscience Teachers and serves as a locus of sharing across the Earth education community.
Teach the Earth is a portal to a broad range of Earth education materials. Originally developed by SERC as a central access point to the materials of its hosted projects, it is now operated in coordination with the National Association of Geoscience Teachers and serves as a locus of sharing across the Earth education community.
Project Focus: Changing Education Systems
SERC Role: Project Management/Implementation, Project Lead (PI/Co-PI), Strategic Planning and Thought Partnership, Website Hosting and Development, Organizational Backbone, Content Expertise, Product Dissemination
SERC Role: Project Management/Implementation, Project Lead (PI/Co-PI), Strategic Planning and Thought Partnership, Website Hosting and Development, Organizational Backbone, Content Expertise, Product Dissemination