Red Tide - General Collection
Initial Publication Date: March 29, 2006
This collection of resources such as news articles, web sites, and reference pages provide a comprehensive array of information about red tide and other harmful algal blooms.
- Algae That Cause Red Tide Found Off Maine Coast. This Bangor Daily News article provides general information about red tide in Maine and efforts being done to track the harmful algal bloom (HAB) events. There are four major red tide causing algae in Maine: Alexandrium, Dinophysis, Prorocentrum and Pseudonitzschia. These algae can cause serious health problems in humans and other marine animals. The "first alert system" now in place now monitors for sunlight and nutrient concentrations that may lead to red tide events. (more info)
- Algal Bloom. This Wikipedia online encyclopedia article provides general information about algal blooms, red tide, black sea, and water treatment. It features hyperlinks for definitions of scientific terminology within the article as well as color photographs of red tide and other harmful algal blooms (HABs). The site also provides hyperlinks to other related websites.
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- Florida Red Tide Current Status. This Fish and Wildlife Research Institute website provides links to several Florida-based red tide sites. These sites include the current status of Florida's red tide, a photo gallery of red tide distribution maps, and regional Florida red tide statuses. (more info)
- Harmful Algal Bloom Photo Gallery. This Woods Hole Oceanographic/NSF/NOAA web site features a collection of photographs of phytoplanktic (algal) blooms, photomicrographs of algae, and satellite imagery of algal blooms. (more info)
- Hunting Dangerous Algae from Space. This NASA Earth Observatory article presents information about programs that are monitoring red tide and other harmful algal bloom (HAB) outbreaks from satellite imagery and remote sensing. This program uses SeaWiFS (Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor) and MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) instruments to detect harmful algal blooms from space. The article features satellite images and color photos of red tide and HAB occurrences. It also features a glossary on/off function in which readers can choose to have terms highlighted and linked to a corresponding glossary. (more info)
- Mass. Declares a Red Tide Disaster. This CBS news article provides very general information about the massive red tide outbreak in New England in 2005. The article states that the outbreak is costing the shellfish industry million per week, forcing Massachusetts to declare a state of emergency. The article features related external links.
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- NOAA New England Red Tide Information Center
. This NOAA website offers a brief explanation of red tide and a large bloom that spread from the Gulf of Maine to the Massachusetts Bay in 2005. The site explains NOAA's efforts to remediate red tide in New England as well as prevent new occurrences. The site features hyperlinks to research funding, legislation, and other NOAA sites that feature red tide.
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- New England Red Tide Outbreak 2005. This Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution website provides general information about the 2005 outbreak of toxic alga Alexandrium fundyense, a type of algae that causes red tide. This bloom outbreak is the worst in New England since 1972 and occurred off of the Gulf of Maine. The site also addresses possible causes for the bloom, why the bloom was so intense and widespread, and its economic cost. The web page features color diagrams of infected sites, pictures, and links to related sites. (more info)
- Plankton in the Bay. This University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute website provides background information about plankton, especially as they relate to the Chesapeake Bay. It includes a discussion of key nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorous) used by plankton for growth purposes. It also features an explanation of how plankton is sampled. (more info)
- Red Tide. The Latz Laboratory article provides a brief summary of red tide, a problem associated with toxins produced by red phytoplankton. It also features several links to other red tide sites. (more info)
- Red Tide
. This CDC web page includes links to PDF or html formatted files containing information about Karenia brevis, a phytoplankton responsible for toxic red tide events. Links include information about red tide, what the CDC is doing about red tide, links to other red tide related sites, and publications about red tide.
( This site may be offline. )
- Red Tide in the Northeast. This Rhode Island Sea Grant fact sheet provides information about red tide algal blooms in New England. It addresses where and when red tides occur, how to know if shellfish are safe to consume, and other important facts about red tide. The site features a black and white picture of the dinoflagellate responsible for red tide in New England and a regional map of where infected shell fish have been found. It also features links to other red tide related sites and a list of pertinent reading material.
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- Red Tides
. This comprehensive website answers questions such as: what is red tide, where are they found, why do they occur, how do they affect marine organisms, how do they affect humans, how are shellfish tested for the toxin, and what is being done to remediate the red tide problem. The site features color pictures and black and white maps. (more info)
- Solutions to Avoid Red Tide, Inc.
. This "Solutions to Avoid Red Tide" (START) webpage offers basic information and videos about red tide, effects of red tide, and research being done regarding red tide. START is a grassroots, non-profit organization based in Florida. Their mission is to keep federal, state, and local officials aware of red tide and to get these officials to fund projects to remediate and/or prevent the problem. Information on how to join or help START is also provided. (more info)
- The Harmful Algae Page. This NOAA sponsored website offers a collection of hyperlinks to red tide related articles, distribution maps, photographs, news, and meetings. Links include basic information about red tide, how red tide affects humans and ecosystems, the latest news about red tide and other harmful algal blooms (HABs), and information about red tide-based meetings and conferences. (more info)
- Tide pushing shellfishers into red
. This USA Today article provides very general information about the 2005 red tide outbreak off the Gulf of Maine. It offers possible explanations for the outbreak, what is being done to protect people from hazards related to red tide, and how the outbreak has devastated local shellfishers.
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- Weather sends red tide packing. This Mobile Register newspaper article provides general information about the impact of a cold front on red tide in Alabama. Red tide in the area had been rising until the front passed through, killing most of the phytoplankton bloom. (more info)
- What’s SO COOL about Red Tide?. This Mote Marine Laboratory magazine article details a new study by Sarasota Operations Coastal Oceans Observation Lab (SO COOL) that is using technology to track harmful algal blooms (HABs). Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) are equipped with temperature and salinity meters as well as a "Breve-buster," which is an instrument that collects water samples and determines levels of red-tide causing algae by shining a light through the sample and noting the light absorbing characteristics within the sample (indicative of these algae). ( This site may be offline. )
Other Red Tide Collections
Advanced Collection: Compiled for professionals and advanced learners, this red tide collection includes resources such as journal articles, academic reviews, and surveys.
For Educators: This red tide collection includes activities, assignments, and reading materials created specifically for educators.
Back to the Red Tide main page.
Additional Resources
For additional resources about red tide, harmful algal blooms, and related topics search the Microbial Life collection.